
Rilla Khaled (Entertainment Interfaces, Wednesday September 12th, 2012, 12:00 PM – Audimax)

“Bringing Culture into Focus”
Our cultural disposition affects all facets of our lives, including how we perceive situations, how we react to them, and how we feel about them afterwards. Whether explicitly or not, culture is also at work in the games we play. While culture is unavoidably intertwined in all we do, leveraging cultural tropes and values in game design intentionally can lead to more deeply resonating and effective digital experiences.
In this talk, I present three ways in which culture can be brought more clearly and practically into focus in game creation and analysis. First, I address how culture can be accounted for in game design and game mechanics, drawing on examples of existing games and my own work as a game designer. Second, I examine the role of culture and cultural values in the design methodologies used to create digital games and other software, particularly stressing the cultural assumptions present. Finally, I briefly consider the potential of taking a cultural perspective on artificial intelligence techniques, with an emphasis procedural content generation and player modelling.

Rilla Khaled is an assistant professor at the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen. She received her PhD in computer science from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand for her thesis on culturally-relevant persuasive technology.

Her research interests include persuasive and serious games, persuasion, and cross-cultural psychology. Much of her research has examined how culture moderates persuasion in game and technology interfaces, how designers incorporate this persuasion both consciously and unconsciously, and how to design for effective persuasion given cultural orientation. She also focuses on the application of user experience concepts to the game development process, establishing effective serious game design practices, and how to maintain design agendas and different stakeholder needs in future-oriented interdisciplinary projects.

Dr. Rilla Khaled
Center for Computer Games research
IT University of Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark

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