Current news

NurseCare at MARS 2020

We were invited to provide a “glimpse” into research at the intersection between nursing care and HCI by presenting NurseCare at the MARS 2020.

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Winter Semester 2020/21

For this winter semester, we plan to run all lectures as online-only events until further notice.

Digital Summer Semester 2020

As of: 29.05.2020

For this summer semester, we plan to run all lectures digitally until further notice.

You will find all materials (e.g., videocasts, slides, tasks) for each lecture, exercise, or seminar on Ilias - additionally, we will provide extra information, time for questions + answers, and discussion during the actual time slot of the specific lecture using a video conferencing tool (e.g., Zoom). We will update this post regularly with new information.

If you have any questions,…

Tenure Track Professorship in HCI

The department of Computer and Information Science seeks to fill a Tenure Track Professorship of Human-Computer Interaction effective 1 October 2020:

The position is in close cooperation with us - the Human-Computer Interaction Group - and thus with the Collaborative Research Center TRR 161 “Quantitative Methods for Visual Computing” and the Centre of Excellence “Centre for the Advanced Study…

New publications

We are happy to announce a couple of new papers: Accepted and soon to-be-presented at ACM TEI, ACM SIGCSE, and ACM CHI.

Maximilian Dürr, Rebecca Weber, Ulrike Pfeil, and Harald Reiterer. 2020. EGuide: Investigating different Visual Appearances and Guidance Techniques for Egocentric Guidance Visualizations. To appear: In Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '20). ACM, February 2020.

Marcel Borowski, Johannes Zagermann,…

Sticky Creativity

We are happy to announce that the 1st edition of 'Sticky Creativity: Post-it® Note Cognition, Computers, and Design' is available online and will be in stores soon.

Two Full Papers at MuC 2019 in Hamburg

This year's "Mensch und Computer" was themed under the slogan "Neue Digitale Realitäten" (New Digital Realities) and took place in the Hanseatic City of Hamburg. It was the most visited MuC so far with almost 1000 attendees. For the first time, accepted submissions were also published in the ACM Digital Library. Our group was represented by two full papers. 

Maximilian Dürr presented "Learning Patient Transfers with Technology: A Qualitative Investigation of the Design Space." The paper…