Argus Vision at Mensch und Computer 2018

This year’s Mensch und Computer “Interaktion • Verbindet • Alle” took place in Dresden with over 700 guests attending a variety of different workshops and presentations. 

Moritz Skowronski presented the full paper “Argus Vision: A Tracking Tool for Exhibition Designers”. The goal of this work was the design of a Do-It-Yourself tool that enables interdisciplinary exhibition designers to design installations using camera-tracking themselves. In the paper, we showed how this goal was reached and how we used the tool in two use cases, including our own exhibition. Additionally, we presented the results of interviews with five exhibition designers from leading exhibition design companies in Germany, who rated the usefulness and applicability of the tool. 

For this work, we received the Best Paper Award of this year’s conference. 

Thank you all for the interesting talks, inspiring conversations, and an overall great MuC’18!