January 2014
2014/01/24 - Eike Kleiner’s master thesis has been awarded the VFI-Förderpreis
Eike Kleiner‘s master thesis “Blended Shelf – Ein realitätsbasierter Ansatz zur Präsentation und Exploration von Bibliotheksbeständen” has been awarded the VFI-Förderpreis 2013.
The committee emphasized Eike’s excellent requirement analysis, implementation and evaluation.
The VFI awards annually a prize for outstanding academic theses since 2006.
Congratulations Eike!
2014/01/25 - Paper accepted at CHI 2014
Our paper on “Bigger is not always better: Display Size, Performance, and Task Load during Peephole Map Navigation” has been accepted for CHI 2014. The conference will take place in Toronto, Canada from April 26th to May 1st, 2014.
2014/01/28 - Eike Kleiner’s master thesis has been awarded the b.i.t.online Innovationspreis 2014
Eike Kleiner‘s master thesis “Blended Shelf – Ein realitätsbasierter Ansatz zur Präsentation und Exploration von Bibliotheksbeständen” has been awarded the b.i.t.online Innovationspreis 2014.
Eike’s master thesis will be published in the book series „b.i.t.online Innovativ“.
The award presentation will be at this year’s 103. Bibliothekartag in Bremen from 3rd to 6th June.
Eike will also present his work there - so feel free to meet him there!
Congratulations Eike! We’re proud of you!
March 2014
2014/03/21 - Vortrag von Prof. Reiterer im Rahmen des GK CrossWorlds
Am 12. Februar 2014 hat Prof. Harald Reiterer einen Vortrag zum Thema “Die reale Welt als Vorbild – Neue Wege der Interaktion mit digitalen Welten” im Rahmen des GK CrossWorlds an der TU Chemnitz gehalten.
Eine vollständige Fassung des Vortrages (deutsch) ist hier verfügbar: http://youtu.be/wdeajJ6doKE
2014/03/28 - 2 Papers at AVI 2014
Our group contributes two papers to the AVI 2014 conference which will take place in Como, Italy from May 27th to May 30th , 2013.
We will present two papers:
- SpaceFold and PhysicLenses: Simultaneous Multifocus Navigation on Touch Surfaces
Simon Butscher, Kasper Hornbæk and Harald Reiterer - Back to Tangibility: A Post-WIMP Perspective on Control Room Design
Jens Müller, Tobias Schwarz, Simon Butscher and Harald Reiterer
May 2014
2014/05/08 - Invited Talk of Prof. Jürgen Steimle: Printed Sensors for Interactive Surfaces on May 21, 2014
Head (W2) of the Embodied Interaction Group at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and Visiting Assistant Professor at the MIT Media Lab
Present-day computers are rectangular and rigid. This limits mobile computing, on-body interfaces and ubiquitous computing. The aim of my research is to contribute to defining and understanding a new paradigm of Human-Computer Interaction: deformable, paper-thin and flexibly shaped interfaces. This will enable making any surface interactive, including arbitrarily shaped physical objects, clothing or even human skin.
In my talk, I will present our recent and ongoing research on inkjet-printed sensor surfaces. PrintSense is a paper-thin, fully flexible, multi-modal sensor surface. In addition to multi-touch input, this sensor captures proximity, pressure input, and deformation. Moreover, it can be cut to various shapes while remaining functional. The sensor can be easily produced and deployed in a variety of scenarios, including deformable smart phones and tablets, interactive paper, smart products, and on-body interfaces.
August 2014
2014/08/04 - Blended Library – Workshop on Project Outcomes in Konstanz
We organized a workshop to present the outcomes of the project Blended Library to the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts Baden-Wurttemberg and to library directors from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The one-day workshop was held on Thursday July 31, 2014 at the University of Konstanz.
Over 50 participants were invited and in addition to the talks, the Blended Library Vision had its premiere (see YouTube video).
September 2014
2014/09/08 - Best Paper Award auf der Mensch und Computer 2014
Unsere Einreichung Employing Blended Interaction to Blend the Qualities of Digital and Physical Books hat auf der Mensch und Computer 2014 in München den Best Paper Award verliehen bekommen. Das Paper ist unter folgendem Link verfügbar.
2014/09/19 - Presentation of bachelor/master-project topics
This semester we offer a number of Bachelor and Master projects in which students have the opportunity to actively participate in ongoing research projects.
We, therefore, cordially invite you to come visit us in our MediaRoom (Z924) on Wednesday, October 22nd at 11.45 am. There you will get an overview of open Bachelor and Master projects. The projects will be presented by members of the HCI Group and can be discussed afterwards if any question remains.
2014/09/20 - Contributions to ITS ’14 in Dresden
We contribute a full paper, a demo, and two doctoral symposium papers to ITS ’14 this year. The ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, taking place from November 16 to 19 in Dresden, Germany (its2014.org).
Roman Rädle, Hans-Christian Jetter, Nicolai Marquardt, Harald Reiterer, Yvonne Rogers. 2014. HuddleLamp: Spatially-Aware Mobile Displays for Ad-hoc Around-the-Table Collaboration. To Appear: In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces (ITS ’14). ACM, New York, NY, USA. Technical details and software soon available at: www.huddlelamp.org
Roman Rädle, Hans-Christian Jetter, Nicolai Marquardt, Harald Reiterer, Yvonne Rogers. 2014. Demonstrating HuddleLamp: Spatially-Aware Mobile Displays for Ad-hoc Around-the-Table Collaboration. To Appear: In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces (ITS ’14), Demo Paper. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Jens Müller. 2014. Exploiting Spatial Memory and Navigation Performance in Dynamic Peephole Environments. To Appear: In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces (ITS ’14), Doctoral Symposium. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Simon Butscher. 2014. Explicit & Implicit Interaction Design for Multi-Focus Visualizations. To Appear: In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces (ITS ’14), Doctoral Symposium. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
October 2014
2014/10/16 - Harald Reiterer is on Sabbatical
From October to March 2015 Harald Reiterer is on Sabbatical. He will be hosted by SACHI, the St Andrews HCI Research Group. This group is part of the School of Computing at the University of St Andrews, Scotland.
November 2014
2014/11/11 - HuddleLamp featured on Gizmodo, Ubergizmo, and Hackaday
Our HuddleLamp project got featured on various tech blogs like Gizmodo, Ubergizmo, and Hackaday. More information about HuddleLamp, its motivation, and the technology behind “the scenes” is described in the research paper HuddleLamp: Spatially-Aware Mobile Displays for Ad-hoc Around-the-Table Collaboration or on huddlelamp.org.
HuddleLamp in the media
- A Hacked Lamp Turns Multiple Mobile Devices Into a Single Giant Display – Andrew Liszewski, Gizmodo.com
- The HuddleLamp Turns Multiple Mobile Devices Into A Single Desktop – Tyler Lee, Ubergizmo
- HuddleLamp turns Multiple Tablets into Single Desktop – Elliot Williams, Hackaday
2014/11/21 - Best Demo Award for HuddleLamp at ITS 2014
We are happy to announce that HuddleLamp won the BEST DEMO AWARD at ITS 2014.
More information about HuddleLamp, its motivation, and the technology behind “the scenes” is described in the research paper HuddleLamp: Spatially-Aware Mobile Displays for Ad-hoc Around-the-Table Collaboration.
December 2014
2014/12/03 - Invited Talk on HuddleLamp at Hochschule Worms
Roman Rädle was invited to give a 90-minutes talk about HuddleLamp. The talk was on December 2nd, 2014 at Hochschule Worms (Prof. Dr. Werner König, Mobile Computing) and included a live demo of HuddleLamp’s hybrid sensing.