Welcome to the Human-Computer Interaction Group

Our goal is to conceive, develop and evaluate novel concepts for human-computer interaction that dissolve the user interface as a barrier between real and virtual, and instead allow the user to seamlessly transition between different realities. We call this extended form of interaction “Embodied Cross-Reality Interaction” and the supporting user interfaces “Transitional Interfaces.” Such interfaces support crossing between different realities: from being in the physical world and using our existing cognitive and bodily skills, to gradually moving into a virtual reality with more advanced or “magical” skills, and back again. 

Welcome Zaky!

We are happy to welcome a new member to our HCI family in Konstanz: Abdelrahman Zaky has joined us as PhD student and research assistant. Within the SFB-TRR 161, Zaky will focus on researching adaptive user interfaces for MR applications (Project C07: "Real-Time Optimization of XR User Interfaces").

It's great to have you, Zaky!


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