Current news

New Publications: Article in ACM Computing Surveys, Paper at CHI'23, and Paper at VR'23

We are happy to announce three major publications to start off 2023!

In our recently published article in the ACM Computing Surveys journal, we categorize metrics for cognitive workload, support researchers in selecting suitable measurement modalities, and conclude with gaps for future research.

A Survey on Measuring Cognitive Workload in Human-Computer Interaction

Thomas Kosch*¹, Jakob Karolus*², Johannes Zagermann*³, Harald Reiterer³, Albrecht Schmidt⁴, and Paweł W. Woźniak⁵
¹HU Berlin;…

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Paper at ISS'22

We are happy to announce that we presented our Re-locations paper at this year's Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ISS 2022) in Wellington:

Re-locations: Augmenting Personal and Shared Workspaces to Support Remote Collaboration in Incongruent Spaces

Daniel Immanuel Fink¹, Johannes Zagermann¹, Harald Reiterer¹, Hans-Christian Jetter²
¹ University of Konstanz ² University of Lübeck

The presentation video of the talk is available here.

Augmented reality (AR) can create the illusion of…

Award ceremony "Landeslehrpreis" 2021 for teaching concept "Mediale Ausstellungsgestaltung"

On Thursday 27.10.2022 the "Landeslehrpreis" 2021 (State Teaching Award) of the Ministry of Science, Research, and Arts Baden-Württemberg was awarded at the Liederhalle Stuttgart. The winners of the "Landeslehrpreis" 2021 (State Teaching Award) and the "Landesforschungspreis" 2022 (State Research Award) were honored in a joint event.

We are happy that Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer together with Prof. Dr. Stefan Hauser (University of Konstanz), Prof. Eberhard Schlag (HTWG Konstanz) and Prof. Florian…

Paper at ISMAR 2022

We are happy to announce the recently accepted conference paper that we will present at this year's IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 22) in Singapore:

Arrow, Bézier Curve, or Halos? – Comparing 3D Out-of-View Object Visualization Techniques for Handheld Augmented Reality

Jonathan Wieland, Rudolf C. Hegemann Garcia, Harald Reiterer, Tiare Feuchtner

Session "Visualization"
Date: Thursday, 20th October
Time: 15:30-17:00 GMT+8

Handheld augmented reality (AR)…

Summer Term 2022

For this summer term, we plan to run all lectures on campus.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Johannes Zagermann.

Find all offered events and links in chronological order below:

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Preliminary discussion of Bachelor/Master Projects - Monday, 11.04.2022 at 10:00
⇢ ZT702, all files via Ilias

This semester's preliminary discussion of current offerings for Bachelor or Master projects will take place during the HCI Student Jour Fixe on Monday, 11.04.2022 at…

Winter Term 2022/2023

For the upcoming winter term, we will offer the events listed below. Please mind the starting dates for individual courses.

Unity Crash-Course (Block event before the regular semester start) - Monday, 17.10.2022 from 12:30 - 17:30, Tuesday, 18.10.2022 from 12:30 - 17:30, Wednesday, 19.10.2022 from 15:00 - 17:00, and Thursday, 20.10.2022 from 13:00 - 17:00
⇢ ZT702

Link: ZEuS

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Preliminary discussion of Bachelor/Master Projects - Monday, 24.10.2022 at 10:00
⇢ ZT702, all files via Ilias

Paper at CHI'22 and Article in the IEEE TVCG Journal

We are happy to announce that we will present our ReLive paper at this year's CHI'22 in New Orleans:

ReLive: Bridging In-Situ and Ex-Situ Visual Analytics for Analyzing Mixed Reality User Studies

Sebastian Hubenschmid*¹; Jonathan Wieland*¹; Daniel Immanuel Fink*¹; Andrea Batch²; Johannes Zagermann¹; Niklas Elmqvist²; Harald Reiterer¹

¹University of Konstanz; ²University of Maryland
*First three authors contributed equally

The nascent field of mixed reality is seeing an ever-increasing need…