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Argus Vision at Mensch und Computer 2018

This year’s Mensch und Computer “Interaktion • Verbindet • Alle” took place in Dresden with over 700 guests attending a variety of different workshops and presentations. 

Moritz Skowronski presented the full paper “Argus Vision: A Tracking Tool for Exhibition Designers”. The goal of this work was the design of a Do-It-Yourself tool that enables interdisciplinary exhibition designers to design installations using camera-tracking themselves. In the paper, we showed how this goal was reached and how…

Podiumsdiskussion “Digitaler Zugang zu und digitale Vermittlung von Kunst und Kultur”

Im Rahmen des 1. Bibliothekspolitischen Bundeskongresses in der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin am 1. und 2. März 2018 wird Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer an der Podiumsdiskussion “Digitaler Zugang zu und digitale Vermittlung von Kunst und Kultur” teilnehmen. Die Veranstaltung wird per Live-Stream auf der Webseite des dbv Bundeskongress und auf dessen Facebook-Seite übertragen. Aufzeichnungen des Live-Streams werden anschließend zur Dokumentation auf der Webseite des dbv bereitgestellt.

Papers accepted for CHI’18

In April we will present two papers at CHI 2018 in Montreal, Canada. All papers are joint work with our research partners from Aarhus University, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, the Data Analysis and Visualization group of the University of Konstanz, and Microsoft Research.

Simon Butscher, Sebastian Hubenschmid, Jens Müller, Johannes Fuchs, Harald Reiterer. 2018. Clusters, Trends, and Outliers: How Immersive Technologies Can Facilitate the Collaborative Analysis of…

Review to Mensch und Computer 2017

This year’s “Mensch und Computer” took place in September and was themed under the slogan “Spielend einfach interagieren”. Host-city was Regensburg. Carla Groeschel and Katja Vock participated as Student Volunteers and thereby ensured a smooth procedure of the conference as part of the team. Jonathan Wieland presented the paper “Loci Spheres: A Mobile App Concept Based on the Method of Loci”. The method of loci is an effective technique to support the memorization and retrieval of information.…