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In September Simon Butscher and Maximilian Dürr presented InformationSense: Trade-offs for the Design and the Implementation of a Large Highly Deformable Cloth Display at the Ubicomp 2017 on Maui.

In September Simon Butscher and Maximilian Dürr presented InformationSense: Trade-offs for the Design and the Implementation of a Large Highly Deformable Cloth Display at the Ubicomp 2017 on Maui.

Simon Butscher, Maximilian Dürr, and Harald Reiterer. InformationSense: Trade-offs for the Design and the Implementation of a Large Highly Deformable Cloth Display. In Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 1.2 (2017): 7.