Welcome to the Human-Computer Interaction Group

Our goal is to conceive, develop and evaluate novel concepts for human-computer interaction that dissolve the user interface as a barrier between real and virtual, and instead allow the user to seamlessly transition between different realities. We call this extended form of interaction “Embodied Cross-Reality Interaction” and the supporting user interfaces “Transitional Interfaces.” Such interfaces support crossing between different realities: from being in the physical world and using our existing cognitive and bodily skills, to gradually moving into a virtual reality with more advanced or “magical” skills, and back again. 

Welcome to the Human-Computer Interaction Group

Our goal is to conceive, develop and evaluate novel concepts for human-computer interaction that dissolve the user interface as a barrier between real and virtual, and instead allow the user to seamlessly transition between different realities. We call this extended form of interaction “Embodied Cross-Reality Interaction” and the supporting user interfaces “Transitional Interfaces.” Such interfaces support crossing between different realities: from being in the physical world and using our existing cognitive and bodily skills, to gradually moving into a virtual reality with more advanced or “magical” skills, and back again. 

Welcome to the Human-Computer Interaction Group

Our goal is to conceive, develop and evaluate novel concepts for human-computer interaction that dissolve the user interface as a barrier between real and virtual, and instead allow the user to seamlessly transition between different realities. We call this extended form of interaction “Embodied Cross-Reality Interaction” and the supporting user interfaces “Transitional Interfaces.” Such interfaces support crossing between different realities: from being in the physical world and using our existing cognitive and bodily skills, to gradually moving into a virtual reality with more advanced or “magical” skills, and back again. 

Summer Semester 2021

For this summer semester, we plan to run all lectures digitally until further notice.

You will find all materials (e.g., videos, slides, tasks) for each lecture, exercise, or seminar on Ilias - additionally, we will provide extra information, time for questions + answers, and discussion during the actual time slot of the specific lecture using a video conferencing tool (e.g., Zoom). We will update this post regularly with new information.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Johannes Zagermann.

As of 18. March 2021.

Preliminary discussion of Bachelor/Master Projects - Monday, 12.4.2021 at 10:00
⇢ Live via video conferencing, all files via Ilias

This semester's preliminary discussion of current offerings for Bachelor or Master projects will take place during the HCI Student Jour Fixe on Monday, 12.04.2021 at 10:00. Please find all necessary information to join this event below ↓.

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HCI Student Jour Fixe - Monday, 10:00 - 11:30 (starting 12.4.2021)
⇢ Live via video conferencing, all files via Ilias

This is a mandatory event for all students working on a Bachelor or Master topic in Human-Computer Interaction. As in previous semesters, we will use this time slot for status updates, discussions, and student presentations e.g., of their B. Sc. or M. Sc. projects.

You will find all necessary information to participate in this course (e.g., link to the video conferecing tool) on Ilias.

Links: Ilias

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Interactive Systems - Monday, 17:00 - 18:30 (Lecture) / Monday 18:45 - 20:15 + Tuesday 13:30 - 15:00 (Tutorial)
⇢ Live via video conferencing, all files via Ilias, submissions via Ilias

You will find all necessary information to participate in this course (e.g., link to the video conferecing tool) on Ilias.

Links:  Ilias | ZEuS

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Interaction in Mixed Reality Spaces - Thursday, 15:15 - 16:45 / 17:00 - 18:30
⇢ Live via video conferencing, all files via Ilias

You will find all necessary information to participate in this course (e.g., link to the video conferecing tool) on Ilias.

Links: Ilias | ZEuS

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Realisierung einer Ausstellung - Thursday, 9:00 - 13:00
⇢ Live via video conferencing, all files via Ilias

You will find all necessary information to participate in this course (e.g., link to the video conferecing tool) on Ilias.

Links: Ilias | ZEuS

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Projektmanagement - Block date, Aug 02, 2021 - Aug 05, 2021 (9:00 - 17:00)
⇢ Planned as in-person event (might change), all files via Ilias

You will find all necessary information to participate in this course (e.g., link to the video conferecing tool) on Ilias.

Links: Ilias | ZEuS


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