Bachelor Theses

Ayub, Kinan

Towards Realtime Cognitive Load Assessment of Dyads using Eye Tracking Technology (2019)

Many work activities are accomplished in teams. Nowadays, teamwork gets supported by technical systems that are operated collaboratively. In this regard the domain of Human-Computer- Interaction is interested in improving the utilization of such technical systems for its users. One extent that indicates whether such a system could be improved is cognitive load. While cognitive load has been mostly measured subjectively (e.g. with questionnaires) in collaborative settings, the physiological indication of mental effort has perceived less attention. One explanation for this circumstance describes the uncertainty regarding the combination of the individual physiological values, in order to map the cognitive load of a group as a whole. This bachelor thesis investigates how cognitive load could be measured in groups of two people with eye tracking technology. An idea that provides a possible combination of the individual values is presented in this work. Furthermore, an empirical study has been conducted to explore the cognitive load of dyads by physiological and subjective means. The collected data from the different sources is summarized, compared and discussed in this work.


Barwig, Oliver

WEBDOCUMENTARIES: Leitlinien für Design und Produktion (2016)

The internet has established itself as a platform for presenting modern and interactive media. One such format is the webdocumentary, which blends together video, audio, text, and images in a non-linear narrative that enables the user to experience that medium in an exploratory manner. Unfortunately, there is little information available regarding the development of this medium. Following Hartson and Pyla’s UX Lifecycletemplate, two webdocumentaries were developed using Klynt, a leading editor in this field. This work presents technical extensions for Klynt in order to expand the functionality of webdocumentaries. Based on the UX Lifecycletemplate and the gained hands-on experience, this work derives guidelines for improving the implementation of webdocumentaries. These guidelines are embedded in the UX Lifecycletemplate, an established methodology in creating user-friendly applications, in order to streamline and standardize the process of webdocumentary development in the future.


Bell, Johanna

Design and Evaluation of different Auditory Mappings for 3D Sound as Off-screen Technique for Head-mounted Augmented Reality Displays (2022)

Augmented reality head-mounted displays currently only offer a very small field of view, which means that objects that are located outside the field of view are not perceived by the user. Since humans can perceive their environment with different senses, the question here is whether auditory perception can also be used in augmented reality head-mounted displays to perceive information from objects outside the visual field of view of the device in a natural way, as we do in everyday activities.

This thesis describes the design and evaluation of three different auditory mappings used for 3D sound as off-screen technique for head-mounted augmented reality displays. First, research concerning related work was conducted. Thereby, a research gap in comparing different auditory mappings for 3D Sound as off-screen technique was identified. Therefore, a study prototype was designed in which important virtual objects are able to emit three different auditory mappings (nomic, metaphorical and symbolic) as 3D sound. Then, a user study was conducted with eighteen participants guided by research questions about search duration, accuracy in finding the correct object, object location memory and subjective preferences and perceptions. The results of the study are described and then discussed in relation to the research questions. The thesis ends with conclusions from the conducted evaluation. The main conclusions of the thesis are that overall, the use of the nomic auditory mapping for 3D sound as off-screen technique for head-mounted augmented reality displays is the most suitable for the tasks performed in the study, while the symbolic auditory mapping is the least suitable.


Bey, Alina

Der CircleSegmentView: Design und Evaluation einer Query Preview (2004)

Die Vorliegende Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit der Implementierung und Evaluatierung einer kreisdiagrammbasierten Visualisierung, dem CircleSegmentView. Der CircleSegmentView (CSV) ist Bestandteil des visuellen Metadatenbrowsers VisMeB, der an der Universität Konstanz im Fachbereich Informatik und Informationswissenschaften in der Arbeitsgruppe Human-Computer Interaction unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer entwickelt wurde. Mit dem CSV soll eine einsetzbare Query Preview basierte Visualisierung zur Verfügung gestellt werden, die den Benutzer bei der Suche in großen Datenbanken unterstützen soll. Zunächst werden grundlegende Konzepte der Dynamic Queries und Query Previews erläutert und der Bezug zum CSV hergestellt, gefolgt von der Beschreibung des Projekthintergrunds und der Entwicklungsgeschichte des CSV. Die Benutzeroberfläche und die Funktionsweise des CSV werden detailiert erklärt. Bezüglich der Implementierung des CSV wird der Aufbau des Sourcecode erklärt und die Umsetzung der wichtigsten Leistungsmerkmale vorgestellt. Der Schwerpunkt der Erörterungen liegt auf der Evaluierung der Oberfläche. Es wurde ein Benutzertest mit 20 Personen durchgeführt, mit welchem gezeigt werden sollte, dass die Arbeit mit dem CSV im Vergleich mit einem herkömmlichen Suchformular einen Zeitvorteil bei der Suche bringt. Bei einigen Testaufgaben konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Testpersonen die jeweiligen Aufgaben statistisch signifikant schneller lösen konnten. Abschließend wird ein Konzept für eine zweite Benutzerstudie vorgestellt, von deren Durchführung neue Ergebnisse erwartet werden.



Biörnstad, Benjamin

Hybrid Affinity Diagram Manager - Eine Lösung zur digitalen Integration von Stift und Papier in kollaborativ kreatives Arbeiten (2009)

In der heute digital dominierten Arbeitswelt sind Papier und Stift immer noch wichtige Arbeitsutensilien, vor allem in kollaborativen und kreativen Umfeldern. Die Vorteile dieser beiden Werkzeuge führen dazu, dass trotz bereits bestehender digitaler Anwendungen an der Arbeit mit Papier und Stift festgehalten wird. Dennoch ist es unerlässlich die Ergebnisse kreativer Arbeitssitzungen für eine Weiterverarbeitung digital bereitzustellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Werkzeuge Papier und Stift mit der digitalen Arbeit am Computer zu verknüpfen und das hinter dieser Integration liegende Potential an konkreten Anwendungsbeispielen aufzuzeigen. Dafür wurde als Anwendungsdomäne das Affinity Diagramming gewählt, da es ein gutes Beispiel für kolloborativ kreative Arbeit mit Papier und Stift ist. In dieser Arbeit wird eine hybride Lösung des Affinity Diagrammings vorgestellt, die es den Anwendern ermöglicht ihre Ideen in gewohnten Arbeitsschritten und mit den gewohnten Werkzeugen Papier und Stift zu entwickeln. Zugleich wird eine digitale Repräsentation der Arbeitsergebnisse erstellt, welche die Weiterverarbeitung in der digitalen Welt einfacher macht und Reibungsverluste aufgrund zusätzlichen Zeit- und Arbeitseinsatzes vermeidet.



Bogenrieder, Daniel

InLiGation - Konzeption und Evaluation einer lichtbasierten Indoor-Navigation im Kontext einer wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek (2018)

Analog tools to support navigation have been used for more then thousands of years. With the help of new technologies, it is now possible to track users in an indoor environment. For the book search in a scientific library this can be of great use, because often thereare mostly analog or little digital forms of navigation support used to guide the user to his target location. A context analysis revealed, that the students are displeased with the current situation and that there is space for improvement. In conjunction with a state of the art analysis, this work presents „InLiGation“ a novel approach to assist user navigation. Traditional guidance systems make use of the display of the users’ smart phone. InLiGation brings this to a newlevel. Through light points in the environment the user doesn’t have to look onto his smartphone. The user simply has to follow light points and is meanwhile able to interact with its environment.


Böhnemann, Tobias

Eine Vergleichsstudie dreier Navigationsmethoden für VR (2019)

This bachelor thesis covers the conception, execution, and evaluation of a study concerning navigation in VR. First the state of the art and research are presented, then the planning and execution of the study are documented. In the study three navigation methods were compared: Teleportation, zone-movement, and trackpad-movement, the former using the SteamVR implementation, the latter two being implemented for this work. Both of those methods attempted to keep up perception of the environment along the travel trajectory unlike the teleportation technique. The study suggests that this does have a positive effect on the performance in search tasks. At the same time it also reinforced how teleportation is rated more comfortable to use while reducing the risk of VR-sickness.


Demarmels, Mischa

Conceptual Design and Development of a Visualization for multidimensional Data (2007)

This bachelor thesis describes the conceptual design and the prototypic realization of a visualization (the HyperScatter) based on a scatterplot and the concept of the zoomable user interface.



Dierdorf, Stefan

Steigerung des Informationsgehalts bei der Darstellung von Sonderausstattungen in Fahrzeugkonfiguratoren durch interaktive Visualisierungs- und Interaktionskonzepte (2007)

This bachelor thesis deals with the conceptual design and prototypical realization of a car configurator with increased content of information. The thesis is structured in three main parts, which are introduced by a preface in the beginning, where a short and general insight into the importance of websites for companies and car manufacturers as well as car configurators is gained. In the following part a State‐of‐the‐Art analysis of current car configurators of the German car manufacturers is carried out. It forms the initial point for the requirement analysis in which the framework of the development of the prototype is recorded. Its conception is carried out on the basis of the requirement analysis. Navigation and interaction techniques are described which lead to a car configurator with increased information content. Based on the prototype a preview which discusses further extension possibilities and additional functionality is given. Finally there is a critical conclusion that checks, if the targets set in the preceding have been accomplished successfully.



Eichkorn, Lukas

Design und Evaluation eines Attraktors für öffentliche Displays (2015)


This thesis introduces an attractor for public displays. This attractor appears on the displays ofan installation and is supposed to attract passerby und guide them to interaction. To determinethe effectivity of this attractor, it is compared to another one. First the motivation for developingthis attractor is explained. Based on that, the installation, in which the attractor has beenintegrated, is described in detail. Next, the state-of-the-art analysis is talked about, includingthe introduction to the domain. After that, the design and the implementation of the conceptis explained. For the following evaluation, the set-up of the study and the comparison betweenthe two attractors are described. With this, the results of the evaluation are discussed and thelimitations, as well as the implications, are highlighted. At last a conclusion and an outlook tothe future are described.


Eisele, Veronika

Kollaboratives Eltern-Kind-Stöbern in Bibliotheksbeständen (2014)

This thesis describes a model world based browsing system which designed to make library holdings comprehensible to children. Different from conventional catalogs children shall not be excluded from digital browsing for books. The importance of a digital approach becomes abundantly clear by the huge amount of books that are located in a library. Within the scope of this thesis a system designed to grant children access to the library’s media by intuitive and playful shaping got developed. Based on preceding surveys and analyses a model world easy to understand for children was sketched, that uses metaphors from daily life to make the handling of the system self-explanatory. Furthermore the system focuses on collaborative browsing and a search by tags. In a subsequent evaluation in a library the system got tested on its service ability and suitability for daily use. In order to be able to evaluate this aspect a study adapted from the four domains of design of the Blended Interaction was structured and interpreted. On the basis of the evaluation’s results suggestions for improvement were worked out and afterwards presented.


Engl, Andreas

A Framework for an Infinitely Zoomable Information Landscape (2008)

Since the advent of the very first graphical environments, the desktop metaphor claimed its place as a design that has shaped computing to this very day, yet hasn’t undergone any significant evolution apart from keeping itself visually up-to-date. Popularity is not always a measure for quality, though, especially when taking the lack of alternatives into consideration. With the introduction of zoomable user interfaces in the late seventies, an idea has been set into motion that promises to address the weaknesses and inconsistencies users had to accept so far. The ZOIL paradigm is a specialised form of zoomable user interfaces that aims to create a consistent interface by allowing navigation through a set of visualisation and interaction techniques, rather than exploring information through a multitude of applications. This work introduces a practical implementation, aiming to provide a technical foundation to demonstrate the theory, as well as to test design alternatives and to evaluate ideas. It will highlight and explain several key concepts of ZOIL and explain their practical implementations. Finally, a demonstrator along with a roadmap for future development is presented, serving as a design study for the framework’s capabilities and as a guideline for following revisions.


Fäh, Simon

Sprachsteuerung als Basis multimodaler Interaktion auf grossen, hochauflösenden Displays (2008)

This bachelor thesis deals with large, high-resolution displays. It follows the vision, that interaction with such displays should be as loose and as natural as possible. Natural interaction without the need of any sensors or physical input devices is the key concept of this vision. To make a step towards this vision, the system built during this work, uses voice and hands as the main input devices. This system, called Nipper, is a multimodal system that uses speech recognition, freehand pointing and Laserpointer interaction to control its functionality. With these input devices, Nipper is not that far away from this vision. But the choice of those devices is not just based on this vision. Also other, more reliable reasons, to deal with this kind of input devices will be discussed. Nipper tries to improve the single input devices with smart combination of existing and new concepts presented in this thesis. Two new concepts to in-crease the efficiency of the system will be proposed during this thesis. The first concept, the “what you see is what you say-Concept” or “WYSIWYS-Concept” supports the multimodal interaction with a special regard to speech input. The second concept, called “Input-Everywhere-Concept”, is a concept which supports the use of the pointing devices, which can be difficult to handle precisely on large, high-resolution displays. In combination with the speech recognition, it allows the use of the entire display surface for the interaction. There is no need for precise pointing on any interaction elements. This concept allows much faster input and reduces frustration. To complete this work, an evaluation was made, to prove the ideas and concepts introduced by Nipper. Problems and solution to solve those problems are also being presented in the last part of this thesis.


Feyer, Stefan

Rack of Inspiration – Design und Evaluation einer Toolbox zur Unterstützung des Inspiration Card Workshops (2015)

In 2006 Halskov und Dalsgård developed the „Inspiration Card Workshop“. It is a card- based creativity technique, focused on the maximization of inspiration, leading to follow- up ideas. This purely analog workshop was preceded by a study, to discover possibilities to support it. These possibilities were defined in six requirements. Based on them, the Rack of Inspiration was created. It is a hard- and software toolbox, supporting the workshop in the defined matter. To prove the requirements, a further study was conducted. Five out of six requirements have been met. The Evaluation of the study yielded specific improvements and support options, which were defined in nine further requirements.


Fink, Daniel

Motivation by Exergames – Game Balancing Mechanisms Examplified by Augmented Tabletennis (2016)

This thesis describes an augmented table tennis concept as part of an Exergaming system. Different from conventional Exergaming systems the sports won’t be simulated in the front of a screen. The players have to play the real-world physical activity. Integrated game balance mechanisms should motivate players to long-term exercise the sport table tennis. The desctiption of the Exergaming system is followed by an evaluation. The Evaluation studies the attractivity and the functionality of the developed exergaming system. The thesis ends with conclusions from the conducted evaluation. The main conclusions of the thesis are the high attractivity of the system and ideas to improve the integrated game balancing mechanisms.


Fritschle, Anna-Maria

Hands-free Interactions with Augmented Reality Glasses during the Training of Ergonomic Patient Transfers (2022)

Nursing is a physically demanding profession and many caregivers have to leave this profession due to work-related back pain and injuries. The injuries are mainly caused by over-exertion during patient transfers. Care concepts like Kinaesthetics can help avoid such injuries. In Germany, three-day-long courses are offered for nursing students to learn and practice Kinaesthetics. But aside the courses, there is a lack of support for the training of kinaesthetics transfers. A modern approach to support the self-training of ergonomic patient transfers outside of training courses is to use AR glasses, which display step-by-step instructions. The interaction with the AR glasses has to be hands-free, since both hands are needed to conduct a patient transfer. Even though systems to support the training already exist, there is currently still a lack of research on hands-free interactions with AR glasses in the patient transfer training context. In this bachelor thesis, a design concept and the implementation of an AR application that supports the patient transfer training and enables hands-free interaction via (i) eye gaze and voice and (ii) head gestures are presented. Furthermore, the design and results of a comparative study with both hands-free interaction techniques are presented. The results of the study indicate that the interaction techniques have many benefits to support the training of ergonomic patient transfers, but they need further investigation. Two main difficulties were encountered with them, which should be improved in the future.


Gerken, Jens 

Evaluation of a Metadata-Browser - Listview vs. Leveltable (2004)

During the last couple of years, one field of research within the Human-Computer Interaction was able to appear on a more recognizable level: the research and development of Visual Seeking Systems, or in a more general perspective Information Visualization Tools. Nowadays some of them even have been commercialized [IBM04, hum04], which leads to the conclusion, that there is still more to come. But despite those successful products, the development of such tools still lacks an essential part: Evaluations, which prove that those new forms of visualizing information are really superior to traditional approaches. This Bachelor thesis tries to close this gap by focusing on the presentation of an evaluation of VisMeB a Visual Metadata Browser. The main aspect of this evaluation was to prove or disprove the advantage of a table-based visualization (VisMeB) of search results over the traditional list-based view, for example used by several popular search engines, such as Google. In addition, there are also the methods and results of several other usability tests conducted during the development of VisMeB presented. Therefore a theoretical background is being build up, by taking a closer look at the methods used in social sciences, which should be seen as a reference system for usability methods.



Gerlach, Felix

Exploration von Bibliotheksbeständen mit dynamischer Peephole Navigation (2015)

This thesis describes a new way of browsing library collections. Different from conventional browsing in libraries there is no restriction due to the shelving. Instead the user can create and form the struc-ture of the books interactively. In the course of this work a system has been created, which allows an intuitive and interactive access for browsing the library’s media. A series of design goals have been developed based on previous works and existing prototypes. Using these goals a browsing landscape has been designed, utilizing metaphors from the real world to make it self-explanatory. The navigation of said landscape works in a natural fashion. With the help of a dynamic peephole the user can walk and use his movements for navigation. In the following evaluation the usability of the system has been tested. The study has been designed and evaluated using the design goals. Based on the findings sev-eral suggestions for improvements have been made and presented.


Gundelsweiler, Fredrik

INVISIP - Implementing a Scatterplot for Visualization of geo-spatial Metadata (2002)

Within the EU project INVISIP (Information Visualisation For Site Planning) a pro-totype of a scatterplot was developed and implemented. The first part of this work is an introduction to the field of the project. After this, the INSYDER (Internet Systéme De Recherche) project and its goals are presented. The INSYDER system was evaluated and the results are the basis for the new development of the INVISIP framework. After the explanation of INVISIP, a summary of the theoretical basics is given. These basics include the visualization of spatial data and some research approaches concerning the scatterplot and the magic lens. The main part of this work is about the visual user interface of the scatterplot and its implementation in the programming language Java. The developed visualization is explained with pictures and the basic concepts are presented afterwards. At the end of the fourth chapter the im-plementation of the scatterplot and the communication interfaces are explained. The last part deals with known problems, a provisional evaluation and an outlook to the future of the project.



Harr, Christian

Mobile Navigation for the MedioVis System (2006)

Although navigation systems were until very recently mostly known and used in the realm of air and sea transport and therefore only rarely trusted to public use, a change in this trend can be observed in recent years. The main reason for this is the rapid developments in the field of car navigation, which in the meantime is to be found in growing numbers in cars and will most probably become a regular fixture in the near future. The presence of the media has most probably contributed to the rise of knowledge about these systems, and to the fact that most individuals now know what GPS-based navigation systems look like and how they work. The next step in development would be to implement navigation systems in buildings. In this paper, some navigation systems in existence to this day will first be introduced in order to then give an in-depth picture of the technical basics. A following chapter will be dedicated to the necessary design basics, since the realization of a 3D visualization on a PDA is the final objective of this project. As the acceptance of such a new system by the user is essential, a further consumer-oriented chapter will discuss particular needs and requirements by users. Next, the prototype developed fort his project using Flash and SWIFT will be presented along with the instructions for the full implementation of such a system. The conclusion then gives a small glance into the future.



Hofstetter, Hermann

Remote Sketching on Paper (2008)

This bachelor thesis elaborates an analysis about collaborative sketching in todays practice. Consequently, the concept of interactive paper is presented. Afterwards, the idea of the Remote Sketching on Paper approach, in combination with the interactive paper technology, is presented and a scenario based development process is described and used to design and implement the user interface and the interactions of a low-fidelity prototype. In addition, an evaluation of the system is conducted with real users through an usability test and interviews.



Höliner, Stefan

Augemented Table Tennis: Design und Evaluation eines auf Tischtennis basierenden Exergames (2015)

Exergames verbinden digitale Spielinhalte mit physischen Bewegungen. Damit versuchen sie Menschen dazu zu motivieren, sich physisch aktiver zu betätigen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeitwurde ein Exergame auf der Basis von Tischtennis entwickelt, welches für alle Spieler, unabhängig ihrer bisherigen Tischtenniserfahrung, verwendbar sein soll. Das Spiel sollte dabei großen Spielspaß bereiten, sodass die Spieler sich gerne bewegen. Anhand technisch verwandter Exergames, wurden Möglichkeiten betrachtet, wie die Spieler und die Schlägerbewegung getrackt werden können. Zusätzlich zum Tracking lag der Fokus darauf, dass die Spieler beiläufig verschiedene Schlagtechniken des Tischtennis lernen. In einer darauf folgenden Evaluation des Exergames innerhalb der Universität, wurde das System auf dessen Gebrauchstauglichkeit und Benutzererfahrung geprüft. Um diese Bereiche zu testen, wurde mithilfe des DECIDE Frameworks der Studienablauf festgelegt und durchgeführt. In einer Diskussion werden die Ergebnisse kritisch reflektiert und im Anschluss daran werden Verbesserungsvorschläge für das System vorgestellt.


Hubenschmid, Sebastian

ART – Augmented Reality above the Tabletop - An immersive analytics tool for the visual analysis of mobile health data (2017)

Immersive Analytics studies how immersive technologies, such as augmented reality devices and large touch-sensitive displays, can be instrumental in analysing complex data. This work investigates the potential of Immersive Analytics for the collaborative analysis of mobile health data, using a use- case-centred design approach.

Firstly, requirements and limitations of current analysis processes are discussed, based on the results of a focus group between four interaction designers and seven domain experts from the SMARTACT project. The focus group revealed several leverage points for Immersive Analytics tools addressing current analysis approaches, visualisation readability, space immersion, and collaboration.

Secondly, the collaborative analysis tool ART (Augmented Reality above the Tabletop) for the visual analysis of mobile health data is presented. ART addresses the key identified requirements and leverage points by visual- ising multidimensional data in augmented reality using an interactive 3D visualisation. The visualisation links related data points between several 2D scatter plots to create a 3D parallel coordinates visualisation. To benefit from well-established interaction techniques, the visualisation is anchored to a touch-sensitive tabletop. This work further illustrates the implementation of such a distributed system, which uses contemporary virtual reality head-mounted displays with stereoscopic cameras to create an immersive augmented reality environment.

Thirdly, two group-based expert walkthroughs were conducted to evaluate ART, with ten participants in total. The walkthroughs already revealed several benefits of using the ART system over traditional, desktop-based analysis approaches, such as better collaboration and easier data explor- ation. Based on results from these walkthroughs, a set of guidelines and further research directions to integrate immersive technologies into the collaborative analysis of multidimensional data is provided.



Huber, Stephan

Design and Implementation of a Multi-Touch Scatterplot (2010)

Nowadays libraries collect information on their stock of books and other media in digital catalog systems. In these systems the users get access to the information on the database of a library by means of queries and the hit lists resulting from the search process. The presentation of the results in the form of hit lists makes it difficult for the user to gain an overview of all the hits. Depending on the type of query, these are distributed over several html pages. In this thesis the scatterplot is presented as a visualization to solve these problems. It facilitates an overview of the results of a query and an analysis of the relations and the dependencies among the hits. The concepts of navigation in scatterplots developed so far entail the problem that is impossible to directly compare various focal views. In order to solve this problem a new concept of navigation for a scatterplot visualization is identified in this thesis. This concept enables the creation of multifocal views in the data space. Furthermore, the library terminals do not support simultaneous access or social interaction among multiple users during the search process. Within this thesis a multi-touch table is presented as a path towards a solution to the problems of such terminals. The multi-touch table supports multiple users in interacting simultaneously in an application. For the new concept of navigation of the scatterplot visualization gestures for direct input on the display of the multi-touch table are identified. In combination with the concept of navigation these gestures represent a natural interaction with the scatterplot visualization.



Ipekli, Elâ

Hands-free Interactions with Augmented Reality Smartglasses during Patient Transfers in a Clinical Setting (2022)

When a caregiver in a clinic makes a small mistake while conducting a patient transfer, it is likely that on a longterm time span, they will encounter negative health consequences, such as back or neck injuries. A technical assisting system that follows ergonomic safe patient handling guidelines could be very beneficial in protecting caregivers and patients.
This thesis presents an application for head-mounted Augmented Reality smartglasses that shows ergonomically approved step-by-step video instructions for caregivers to follow during practice.
However, in order to navigate through the app and especially jump in-between the instructions, some kind of hands-free interaction is required. Two interaction methods were tested with smartglasses: Voice Commands and Head Gestures. Both versions were used during a comparative study with 12 participants in a simulated clinical setting. Each participant had to do multiple rounds of a human patient transfer (e.g. from a bed to a wheelchair) while wearing the smartglasses and interacting by both mentioned methods. Subsequently collected data through questionnaires, surveys and log files helped to identify advantages and disadvantages of voice and head interaction in a patient transfer setting.
The findings show how even though both ways of interactions have their advantages and disadvantages, one interaction technique outperforms in almost every context-relevant category.


Jetter, Hans-Christian

Usability Evaluation Applied in INVISIP (2003)

This bachelor thesis presents and discusses the different techniques of usability evaluation applied in the INVISIP project. Apart from a brief presentation of the evaluation results this thesis focusses on the explanation of the individual evaluation techniques and the discussion of their applicability to the project. With the introduction of remote usability testing techniques and a usability software-framework the experiences from the INVISIP project are transferred into concepts for new remote evaluation tools, which can be used to support the development and the post-deployment phase in other projects as well. Finally all discussed techniques are briefly recapitulated to give a decision-aid for economic and complementary usage of usability evaluation techniques for the future.



Khashimov, Aziz

SPOT: Design und Evaluation einer Anwendung zur Erkennung von physischen Objekten während Mixed Reality Studien (2021)

Diese Arbeit beschreibt den Prototypen „SPOT“, eine mobile Trackinganwendung, die mit Hilfe von Fiducial Markern die Positionen von physischen Objekten erfasst. Die Marker werden an den physischen Objekten angebracht und mittels eines angeleiteten Prozesses innerhalb der App kalibriert. Die gesammelten Daten werden in einem standardisierten Format gespeichert, sodass diese ohne zusätzlichen Aufwand weiterverarbeitet werden können. Das System wurde in einer Expertenstudie auf seine Usability sowie auf die Tauglichkeit für den Einsatz in Studien untersucht. Die Studienteilnehmer fanden die Anwendung einfach zu verwenden und lobten vor allem den geringen Aufbauaufwand des Systems. Jedoch wurden die geringe Reichweite und mangelnde Resistenz gegen die Verdeckung der Marker als klare Schwächen genannt


Klester, Eduard

Design and implementation of radial menus for multi-user interaction on tabletops (2014)

This Thesis is concerned with the realization of radial menus in collaborative settings. Basically an application for the consumer electronics is developed, which should help to choose products in the shop, to compare them and to inform about certain products collaboratively. Two new radial menus were developed on the basic of different researches and a state of the art analysis, which should support the collaboration through this mentioned research based analysis and through new developed concepts. These menus are part of the whole developed system. The system also contains a solution- depiction, which should give the user the ability to compare his chosen products. Also a concept for speech-control and a favorite-menu, which should give the ability to save picked products, was developed. This document further contains the development, the research base of the system, which is a big part of the development itself, and its impact on the user. Further the concept- and design-stages, which are based on usability principles and are necessary for the realization, were specified in this elaboration. Also the system gets evaluated and analyzed in the further documentation. Finally the possibility of using the system in another context is illustrated by an example.



Klinkhammer, Daniel

Interaction concepts and visualizations to compare different automobiles (2006)

This paper deals with the draft and prototypical realization of a tool to compare cars. At the beginning characteristic items of decisional processes while buying a car are shown. These characteristics are the starting point for a detailed finding of demand where usability goals, general principles of design, necessary functionalities and the field of use will be determined. The findings obtained by this approach are making it possible to develop a conceptional model that can be a manual guide for a convertion into an interactive comparable tool. Interactional concepts and visualizations are developed to assemble the complete prototype at least. Because of this the prototype is a product of a methodological procedure. The question how to continue this procedure will be answered and described in the outlook of my paper. As a conclusion the emerged convertion will be analysed in consideration of the defined demands.



König, Werner A.

Design and Implementation of a 3D-Scatterplot to visualize Meta Data (2003)

The benefit of three-dimensional visualizations is often reduced because of an increased cognitive and mental workload for the user, imposed by a complicated spatial navigation and a mistakable display. The 3D-Scatterplot, which is described in this bachelor thesis, tries to lower this workload by a task orientated, simplified interaction and a supporting visualization. The goal is to offer the user an efficient and intuitive environment, in which he can easily solve his tasks. This 3D-Scatterplot is part of the generic Visual Metadata Browser (VisMeB) which was developed in the context of the research projects INVISIP and VisMeB. It was designed to efficiently support users in a way that they are able to search and extract relevant data from a large amount of data regardless of the context of use. In addition to the presentation of the VisMeB project and the detailed description of the conceptual design, the implementation and the functionality of the 3D-Scatterplot, this thesis also presents existing commercial and scientific applications with 3D-Scatterplots in a state-of-the-art analysis. Based on the experience made during the conception and implementation of this 3D-Scatterplot and further studies, this thesis also defines a style guide which should be used as a guideline for the conception of similar visualizations and as a criteria for quality audits.



Krämer, Leonard

SmartTabs - Design and Evaluation of a System for Self-Actuated Displays (2016)

This work outlines the implementation of the SmartTab platform, a robot – tablet combination. SmartTabs aim to simplify concurrent handling of multiple tablets. SmartTabs can create multi-device-displays and adjust their position dynamically to multiple situations. SmartTabs also are a platform to evaluate interaction with self-actuated displays and their benefit to the user. In the second part of the work we conduct an experiment to evaluate the SmartTabs performance as a tool for dynamic peephole navigation. In the experiment we explored the question whether or not bodily movement leads to better performance in spatial navigation and memory tasks. We found no evidence for increased memory performance, but could confirm that the navigation performance is increased when users have to engage their whole body. We also discovered that the SmartTab is an appropriate tool for dynamic peephole exploration and increases the users comfort.


Kraus, Matthias

Collaborative Identification of Objects in Physically Separate Mixed Reality Environments (2016)

Prior research provides initial evidence that virtual objects can serve as spatial cues and can hereby have a favorable effect on the collaboration behavior of co-located participants in mixed reality environments (MREs), i.e., newly created environments composed of coexisting real and virtual objects. To date, the influence of virtual objects on collaboration in distributed MREs - where people are situated in physically separate locations while at the same time sharing one and the same virtual blending - has been a point of minor scholarly interest. To address this research gap, we investigated how additional virtual objects shape collaboration in object identification tasks in remote MREs. For this purpose, a controlled lab experiment with 16 dyads was conducted. Results indicate that spatial cues can affect user experience beneficially. This is apparent in reports of participants, which uniformly preferred the condition with virtual spatial cues. Further advantages of these cues can be seen in the facilitation of communication as well as in significantly affected experiences of social presence, both being gathered on the basis of questionnaires. These findings emphasize the usefulness of synthetically created spatial cues for collaborative object identification tasks in remote MREs. Possible application areas constitute future office environments, where this kind of spatial cues could help co-workers to mutually undertake a project while being physically separated.


Leicht, Daniel

Motivierende Nachrichten in kleinen Gruppen (2019)

Diese Bachelorarbeit befasst sich mit dem Austauschen persönlicher Nachrichten mit dem Ziel, sich gegenseitig für einen gesunden Lifestyle zu motivieren. Zu diesem Zweck werden Stand der Technik und Forschungen präsentiert, welche Anregungen für die Implementation einer motivierenden messaging Intervention, genannt moMent, lieferten. Diese Android App wurde mithilfe des BIT-Modells, einem Framework für Interventionen, realisiert. Während eines Usability Testes stellte sich heraus, dass die verschiedenen Motivationselemente der App die Nutzer zu einer positiven Verhaltensänderung führte. Gleichzeitig werden einige Optimierungen für das Design offengelegt.


Liebrenz, Philipp

Visualisierung von Multi-Data-Points in einem 3D-Scatterplot : Konzeption (2004)

A Multi-Data-Point describes the overlapping of several data points within visualizations, which due to their identical properties were represented on the same position in a scatterplot. The data points overlap themselves and therefor the viewer does not recognize them as different. This work presents a concept for the visualization of such Multi-Data-Points and documents the implementation of this concept within the VisMeB 3D-Scatterplot. The 3D-Scatterplot is a visualization component of the Visual Meta Data Browsers (VisMeB), that independently from an application domain supports users in large data sets research. The new Multi-Data-Point visualization makes the elements of the Multi-Data-Point accessible for the user and enables an effective and efficient browsing through the elements.



Marwecki, Sebastian

Encouraging Collaboration in Hybrid Therapy Games for Autistic Children (2013)

Social competence and communicative skills of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are supported by behavioral therapy. "Serious games", especially therapeutic games on hybrid interactive surfaces, have been proven to serve as a useful tool for behavioral therapy. In this work, I describe the design process of acquiring and implementing requirements for such a hybrid therapy game: "Invasion of the Wrong Planet". I then use the game to measure collaborative behavior in two consecutive studies with 16 children without developmental disorders and 9 children with ASD at the University of Konstanz and a therapy centre in Freiburg respectively. In these studies I contrast the design principle of "Encouraged Collaboration" (ECC), which I derived from specific aspects of behavioral therapy, with the design principle of "Enforced Collaboration" (EFC), which has been used in recent work in this area of research. Based on the findings of these studies, I show that ECC in contrast to EFC leads to a higher amount of motivation, while at the same time providing a comparable amount of collaboration between the players. In this regard, ECC may enhance effectiveness of games used as a tool for behavioral therapy fostering social competence and communicative skills of children with ASD. To conclude this work I discuss how this design principle can be generalized and be applied to other fields of behavioral therapy and how effectiveness of serious games in general can be improved.


Marx, Carsten

Mobile MedioVis : Design and develop a visual information seeking system for the Mediothek in the library of the University of Konstanz on a Pocket PC (2005)

This Bachelor Thesis illustrates the conception and development of a visual information seeking system for the Mediothek of the library of the University of Konstanz. The Mediothek is a subset of the library catalogue containing multimediabased items like DVDs, viedos, CDs and so on. The visual information seeking system, called MOBILE MEDIOVIS, offers a managed search for the Mediothek. This is provided by the Pocket SieveMap with predefined visual clusters arranged in categories. A dynamic query is built via direct manipulation. After execution the filtered items are displayed in a table-based view in which the user can get details on demand without losing the overview. MOBILE MEDIOVIS is available as a full functional application, written in C# in the .NET Compact Framework. The idea for this project relies on the project MEDIOVIS which was also developed in the work group Human Computer Interaction at the department of computer and information science.



Maurer, Steffen

Entwicklung persönlicher Bereiche bei Tabletop-basierten Interaktionen im Messeeinsatz (2014)

This thesis is concerned with presentation systems for use at trade shows, which also implement the concept of personal spaces. Interactive tabletops are increasingly used as a source of information at trade shows. A very important concept from the psychological study of the use of space is the concept of personal spaces. These are used to divide the working space at a table between the group members, no matter if it is a desk or an interactive table. The first part of the thesis is focused on the theoretical basics of personal spaces and interactive tables. Subsequently a requirement analyses shall help to detect the requirements of a system for trade show use . Based on the findings, the design and the implementation of a tabletop-based system with personal spaces for use at trade shows should be worked out in the following chapters. In the last part of the thesis the developed system will be evaluated with conventional methods of human-computer interaction if the requirements are met.



Memmel, Thomas

INVISIP - implementation of a table-based visualization for geo-spatial metadata (2002)

This bachelor thesis describes the implementation of a table-based visualization for geo-spatial metadata, following a redesign proposal by M. Eibl [EM 2001]. The design approach is called the concept of granularity, which is implemented in the practical part of this bachelor thesis using the programming language JAVA. The thesis is divided in an introductorily part and four main parts.

Dealing with the background of the INVSISP project, the introduction brings geo-spatial metadata together with information retrieval and geographical information systems. 

The first main part presents earlier and recent projects concerning the visualization of metadata and sums up these project’s intentions, context of use and weaknesses. This section then leads up to the concept of granularity, which is supposed to solve the evaluated problems of former projects.

The product requirement specification is stated in the second main part. It summarizes the required implementations for overcoming the identified problems and converting the granularity concept.
Main part three describes the first prototyping issues and also points out the implementation of a Scatterplot visualization, done at the same time by [GF 2002] and deeply interconnected to the implemented table-based concept of granularity. It explains the considerations taken place during the preliminary discussions of the project. The considerations deal with the use of software design patterns, some principles of object-oriented programming in JAVA, puts the project into context to basic concepts of information visualization and describes the methods of visualization used in the project. A documentation of programming the granularity concept as JAVA software project is delivered in main part four. It illustrates the most important parts of the program with the help of unified model language (UML) diagrams and extractions of the project’s source code.

This thesis ends with a summary of the problems and obstacles which occurred during implementation and provides an outlook on future tasks.



Miller, Matthias

Collaborative Object Positioning in Physically Separate Mixed Reality Environments (2016)

In Mixed Reality Environments components of the virtual and the real world can be blended. In this way, virtual objects can be depicted on a single display as they exist in reality. For instance, future application domains can contain interactive modeling of three-dimensional objects in cooperative virtual environments where virtual cues facilitate the collaboration of several co-workers who are situated at different geographical locations. The results of a previous study in a colocated setting indicated that virtual cues have a positive influence on communication behaviour and user task load during cooperative object identification and positioning tasks. In the same way, persons, who are physically separated, can mutually take part in such group activities using a common virtual environment. Within the scope of this bachelor thesis, we conceptualized a research prototype in order to conduct a study with 16 dyads. On the basis of this study we analyzed the influence of additionally displayed virtual cues on participants’ communication behaviour, user task load, user experience and telepresence. The study results revealed that the participants preferred the virtual objects of the Mixed Reality Environment compared to the physical surrounding. Furthermore, the virtual cues reduced participants’ subjective perceived workload and provided a better impression of control when interacting with virtual objects. The evaluation outcomes suggest that additive spatial cues in physically separated Mixed Reality Environments support participants during collaborative object positioning tasks. Synthetically rendered objects improve communication behavior and provide an enhanced perception of cooperation partners’ presence in the shared environment.


Niethammer, Anna-Lena

Evaluation of Contactless Interaction Techniques for Information Kiosks on an Airport Self Check-In

Information kiosks are widely used in public spaces. They are used to order food, withdraw money, buy train tickets, or check-in at airports or hotels. For users to enjoy their interaction with information kiosks, they need to feel safe while using them. This security also includes health and hygiene safety. The hygienic safety for public surfaces and touchscreens has been criticized repeatedly, most recently during the Covid-19 pandemic. To use the information kiosks without worry, a solution is needed that does not require direct physical contact with the kiosks. This thesis describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of three interaction concepts on a study prototype based on an airport self check-in kiosk. First, research concerning related work was conducted. During this research, it was found that a lack of evaluation of interaction concepts in an information kiosk context existed. Following the research, three interaction concepts were dened and designed. The three concepts were accompanied by a study prototype intended to be used to evaluate the interaction concepts in a quantitative study. A quantitative study with eighteen participants was conducted guided by research questions concerning user experience, perceived workload, and learning eects. The results of the study are described and then discussed in relation to the research questions. The received feedback was generally positive, with users being highly receptive to a contactless solution to information kiosk interaction. Based on the results, improvements to each interaction concept are introduced, and possible further work and research questions are introduced.


Pafla, Marvin

The Bandwagon Effect Helps Mitigating the Fear of Social Embarrassment in Interactive Public Display Use (2018)

While there is support for the assumption that people are concerned to interact with public displays, we thought of ways to overcome this concern. This resulted in the development of two interfaces that implemented the bandwagon effect as implicit and explicit recommendation systems. While the implicit percentage-counter condition was not able to cause more people to interact with our public display, we found that the explicit star-rating condition was successful in causing people to interact with the display. Most interestingly, the explicit star-rating seems to be more successful in drawing in higher socially concerned passersby than the control condition. This is why we think that the bandwagon effect is a potential design option that helps overcome social concerns such as the fear of social embarrassment in public display use.


Pfründer, Jörg

Development of a web-based application for the transfer of Usability knowledge (2003)

In this thesis I present the development of a webapplication, that was designed to provide Knowledge about usability. The usability experts of DaimlerChrysler are often asked questions about software ergonomy or usability engineering by other people of the company. Until now the answers werde put together manually. The experts have collected some files from their harddisk, information from the internet and other sources within the company and have sent the data by e-mail to the person, that had asked. This procedure has took lots of effort. A new webapplication should make it easier to share usability knowledge from several different sources to other persons in the company. The storage of former answers and the inclustion of a database of usability knowledge should speed up the answering process and make it more efficient. The development was lead by the usability engineering lifecycle in order to achieve a good acceptance of the programm among the users.

Reutlinger, Lisa-Maria

MORe: Design and Evaluation of a Digital Menu Plan for a Retirement Home (2021)

Interaction design for older people receives growing interest from researchers and designers alike. While many systems aim at mitigating symptoms of age-related decline, the system that is the focus of this thesis supports retirement home residents in their everyday meal ordering tasks: “MORe - Meal Ordering in a Retirement Home” is the digitized version of the currently employed paper menu plan that residents of the retirement home KWA Parkstift Rosenau in Konstanz use to order lunch to their apartment.

This thesis describes how MORe was designed and evaluated. First, research on the topic of interaction design for older people was conducted. In the course thereof, the apparently problematic relationship between technology and older people was investigated. To elicit requirements, user research in Rosenau was conducted in the form of a contextual inquiry which helped to define the scope of MORe. Design guidelines for older users were used as guidance on how to execute these ideas. The features of MORe and the design considerations that went into them are described. The evaluation of MORe represents the central part of this thesis: Guided by the question of how retirement home residents react to and use the digital menu plan, a qualitative user study with three participants living in Rosenau was conducted. Its results are discussed in detail, as well as redesign ideas and possible directions for future work. The reactions to MORe were mainly positive: All participants stated they would like to use it. Apparently, the benefit of the functionality of MORe outweighed the smaller usability problems that were encountered. This thesis concludes with a discussion of the process that was undergone and a reflection of what could be learned in the course of the design and evaluation of MORe. Overall, cooperating and conducting research with older people proved useful for their unique viewpoints and input for redesign ideas.


Rexhausen, Sebastian

Latent Semantic Indexing for short texts (2005)

Motivated by the activities of the chair Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Konstanz and their project INVISIP and its need for a full-text search within Geo-Metadata the need for a suitable information-retrieval-system, which can handle the various requirements, arised. The available Geo-Metadata contain nothing else than short descriptions about the several datasets. The usage of the description terms varies a lot between authors and finding an appropriate IR-System seems Gordian. Investigations in Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) concerning similar tasks are very promising and therefor the choice fell onto this method. The aim of this thesis is on the one hand to implement an IR-system based on LSI and on the other hand to test its efficiency and effectiveness in terms of a document corpus containing primarily short texts. To assure the comparability to other IR-systems the chosen document corpus wasnt the INVISIP-set but the GIRT4-dataset developed by Michael Kluck - more precisely on the german titles of a subset of the documents. An outlook should identify possibilities in adapting and/or expanding the LSI-algorithm to further enhance its performance.



Röhrle, Simon

Design and Evaluation of a Trackable Patient Model to train Ergonomic Patient Transfers in Virtual Reality (2023)

Injuries in the field of care are not uncommon. One area where these injuries occur is in the field of patient transfers. Physically demanding tasks, especially when under time constraints, can quickly result in injuries for both the caregiver and the cared-for if performed incorrectly. The kinaesthetics care conception is a movement system that supports the ergonomic transfer of patients and therefore minimizes the physical strain on both the patient and the nurse. Programs in which trainee nurses learn how to transfer patients based on the kinaesthetics care concept are already being offered at many government-supported schools in Germany. However, these programs are very limited and usually only consist of three lectures. As part of this thesis, the Virtual Reality training application VRPatient was developed to support the training of ergonomic patient transfers. With this application, it is possible to practice a patient transfer without the need of an instructor or training partner. First, related work is presented and explained to what extent it differs from the content of this thesis. Then, the requirements of the system were discussed and drawn up, based on which a tracking system was selected for the prototype. Afterwards the implementation of a prototype and its functions will be shown. To evaluate the implemented prototypes, a usability study was carried out with twelve participants. This study was guided by three research questions concerning user experience, immersiveness, and the possibility of the trackable patient model replacing a human as an exercise partner. While the feedback on the user experience and immersiveness was good, the study also showed that the trackable patient model still has some limitations compared to a human. The results of the study were discussed, and suggestions for improvement were made. Finally, potential future work for the extension of VRPatient was presented.


Ross, Alan

Conceptual Design and Development of a Car Configurator focusing on Joy of Use (2004)


The subject of this study is Joy of Use, with the focus on the conceptual design and development of a prototype car configurator for the DaimlerChrysler Smart Car. The first section provides a general overview of the field of Joy of Use, including various models, methods and criteria. This is followed by a concrete catalogue of criteria and a consideration of a procedure for the development of a Joy of Use application. The third section describes the actual development of the prototype Smart Car configurator, applying the concrete catalogue of criteria and a particular procedure. The study concludes with a synopsis and a consideration of possible future Joy of Use applications.



Runge, Oliver

Design and Implementation of a zoom and facet based Visualization (2010)

The enormous increase of information leads users to be quickly overwhelmed by the ever-growing mass of Data. The overall challenge is to facilitate the workflow by processing these data collections efficiently. The present Bachelor thesis argues with this topic and implements the zoom and facet based visualization FacetBrowsing. After an introduction of the current problems, a range of orientation and overview concepts help to present ideas for a better user bearing within huge data volume. Furthermore several navigation and interaction techniques are presented to facilitate the movement within the information space. The developed concepts are then examined to determine whether the pre-defined research questions are answered and they thus contribute to a solution of the problem.



Schmidt, Toni

Interaction Concepts for Multi-Touch User Interfaces: Design and Implementation (2008)

Interactive tables operated by direct touch (tabletops) are getting more and more common. Such tables offer great opportunities for novel user interfaces that base on direct touch interaction. As part of this thesis we illuminate the particular advantages of direct touch interaction as well as we discuss possible constraints. User interfaces attempting to exploit most benefit from direct touch interaction have to be designed specifically for touch interaction`s needs. In contrast, legacy user interfaces are designed for mouse interaction and lack conformance to touch interaction`s requirements. Yet, such legacy user interfaces take the largest part of today`s user software, being essential in a great number of tasks. Nevertheless, little research has been done in making legacy applications usable on tabletops. For this reason, we designed and implemented interaction techniques empowering users to benefit from direct touch interaction when using legacy (WIMP) user interfaces. We identified three dimensions of interaction tasks in WIMP user interfaces as being essential. Dimension 1 is focused on the tradeoff between selection efficiency and effectiveness for differently sized targets. We introduce ZoomTap, a technique enabling users to rapidly select large targets as well as to select small targets with high precision. Entering text by touch input is another task being essential for using WIMP user interfaces. When using physical keyboards, users benefit from tactile feedback. Virtual keyboards cannot offer such feedback. In dimension 2 we address this issue with the design and the implementation of two alternative text input techniques. Our Qwerty virtual keyboard lets users benefit from its familiarity to a physical keyboard. The second design, Column Typing, supports users by providing an easily recognizable letter history. An informal user study with six participants showed that users benefit from Qwerty’s layout and utilize Column Typing’s feedback component. For effectively operating WIMP user interfaces, users have to be supplied with techniques for dragging and scrolling as well as for invoking contextual menus. In the third dimension we introduce interaction techniques allowing users to perform these tasks in a natural and ergonomic way. We implemented the designs of all three dimensions in a prototype program, making our techniques actually usable on tabletops. In combination, all interaction techniques form a coherent interaction concept, enabling users to perform all vital parts of WIMP user interfaces while gaining benefit from direct touch interaction.


Schreiner, Mario

A zoomable topic-based browsing approach to support search and sense-making in on-line book repositories (2013)

Nowadays, the internet, growing document spaces and digital libraries lead to an increased complexity of search tasks. Modern researchers can not hope to read every available bit of information anymore. Instead, knowledge seekers need digital help to distinguish relevant from irrelevant search results. Subject of this work is the design of a visual information seeking system that finds new ways to increase the efficiency of search workflows. The resulting system integrates query formulation, browsing and sense-making into a uni fied application context and combines a topic-based approach with advanced multi-touch interaction and a visual representation of results.



Schweitzer, Daniel

Exploration digitaler Bilderarchive mithilfe von Augmented Reality Information Browsern - Konzeption und Evaluation (2016)

Big digital picture archives can quickly become cumbersome to handle. Without special software, there isn’t much support for creative dynamic processes. One way to explore big amounts of data is by using an augmented reality information browser. It is an augmented reality-enabled handheld, which allows to view the information space in an egocentric manner. Thus, virtual images can be positioned in real three-dimensional space, as if they were physically present. As an attempt to improve the handling of digital picture archives, an augmented reality information browser was developed, which will be presented and evaluated here by means of a usability study.Furthermore, potential reasonable enhancements will be discussed.


Schweizer, Jonas

Gestaltung und Implementierung eines Multi-Fokus und Multi-Display Management-Systems (2009)

Die enorme Zunahme an gespeicherter Information führt dazu, dass heutige Informationskonsumenten mit der Bewältigung dieser Informationsmengen überfordert sind. Diese Bachelorarbeit setzt sich mit dem Problem auseinander, wie Benutzer bei der Interaktion in großen Informationsräumen unterstützt werden können. Es geht dabei um die Frage, wie die kognitive Überlastung des Benutzers mit Hilfe neuer Sichten auf die Informationen gesenkt werden kann. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird eine Taxonomie vorgestellt, die Benutzerinteraktionen und verschiedene Umgebunssituationen in Relation stellt. Die Taxonomie unterscheidet zwischen der Manipulation, der Anzeige und dem Verschieben von Objekten in Single und Multi-Display Kontexten. Die Taxonomie wird anschließend auf das bestehende ZOIL-Konzept angewendet, um daraus Lösungen für multifokales Arbeiten zu entwickeln. Mit Hilfe von Split Screen, mehrfachem ClickZoom, Drag and Drop, einer interaktiven Übersicht, synchronisierten Ansichten, dem Remote Click Zoom und einem Shared Clipboard-Konzept wird ZOIL mit Funktionen erweitert, die das Arbeiten in multifokalen Arbeitsumgebungen erleichtert. Um eine möglichst einfache Verwendung und Weiterentwicklung der Konzepte zu ermöglichen, wurden die vorgestellten Konzepte in das ZOIL Framework integriert. Die Arbeit formuliert Verbesserungsvorschläge für die Frameworkarchitektur und schließt mit einem Ausblick auf mögliche Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschungsprojekte.


Skowronski, Moritz

ARGUS VISION: Design und Evaluation eines Tracking Tools für Ausstellungsgestaltende (2016)

Contemporary exhibitions are increasingly staged using complex and often interactive media. In order to create such exhibitions exhibition design firms employ professionals from a wide range of different design and engineering disciplines. The support of transdisciplinary exhibition designers in their design process is one goal in recent human-computer interaction research. This includes the deployment of Do It Yourself Tools that enable all disciplines involved to design and create interactive media themselves. In this work the design and evaluation of Argus Vision is presented. Argus Vision is a Do It Yourself Tool which allows exhibition designers the use of camera-tracking using multiple depth cameras. All functions of Argus Vision are bundled in a user interface therefore eliminating the need for writing code. Additionally, the user can test and create simple interaction concepts by creating virtual areas, so called Triggerzones, which get activated when visitors come in contact with them. To prove that Argus Vision can be used in interactive media, the Tracking Tool was both used in an installation at an exhibition and to control another Do It Yourself Tool for exhibitions. Furthermore, interviews with exhibition designers from various disciplines were conducted. Especially the user interface, its comprehensibility and the Triggerzone-concept were rated positively by the interviewees. The interviews are a source from which it was possible to deduce a large amount of ideas for future work on Argus Vision.



Tennie, Oke

Directed Meeting – Entwicklung eines interaktiven Präsentation und Meeting Systems (2014)

This bachelor thesis presents a software solution to support meeting sessions with tabletop systems and interactive displays. For that reason the renowned meeting and process models by Christopher Plaue et al. [7] and Jay F. Nunamaker et al. [6] are used as a basis. Based on these concepts and other observations of meeting sessions, processes for its implementation are developed in this work.As a foundation for the successful holding of meetings, a room concept has been developed that is designed specially for a tabletop system, a wall display and various mobile devices. This concept offers the meeting participants the opportunity to share content easily and quickly and to synchronize it. The main focus of this work is on a multitouch table and its software, which is based on the framework smartPerform [23] and which was developed specifically for that table. This developed software is called Directed Meeting. Directed meeting includes several tools to support meetings, including the so-called OmniClipboard tool, which allows the user to reorder content and to share them between multiple devices. For the seamless transition between tools, a special interface has been developed, which is supported by the skin SmartAccelerator. In addition, the planner of the meeting is provided with a tool for the creation of templates, the so-called Snapping editor, which can be used to control the consistency of the meeting processes.Based on the concept of templates, a Scrum meeting was created exemplarily, which was then evaluated by experts. The resulting rating of 4.4 out of maximum five points, which was given by the experts, showed that the developed meeting software supports the meeting process very well.



Traise, Erik

Indoor Navigation and Proximity Interaction for Museums (2019)

Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden, basierend auf den aktuellen technischen Möglichkeiten, neue Konzepte entwickelt, die dann in einer Prototyp-App umgesetzt und evaluiert werden. Das grundlegende Ziel hierbei ist es, über einen neuen Weg, das heißt über die bloße Annäherung an einem Exponat, Informationen über Kulturgüter zubekommen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf den mobilen Endgeräten, die über eine Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)-Schnittstelle verfügen, über die dann mit Beacons kommuniziert werden kann. Die neuen Interaktionskonzepte werden mittels einer Prototyp-Applikation realisiert. Hierfür kann der Fokus nochmals auf iOS-basierte Endgeräte wie das iPhone oder iPad von Apple gelegt werden. Eine Lösung für die Android-Welt ist im selben Umfang möglich. Für eine nachhaltige Nutzung und Verwaltung wird ein Content-Management-System (CMS) in Betrieb genommen, worüber es möglich ist das Kulturgut einzupflegen und zu verwalten, um es anschließend dem Nutzer so über den Prototyp darzustellen. Die Umsetzung der Konzepte erfolgt in der Programmiersprache Swift. Die Realisierung der Interaktionen wird mit der Abstandsabmessung bewerkstelligt, während die Indoor-Navigation über das Machine-Learning erfolgt. Hierbei wurden die Räumlichkeiten zuvor mit Hilfe eines Fingerprint-Verfahrens erfasst. Ebenfalls werden die in der Machbarkeitsstudie erlangten Erkenntnisse und der Ablauf wiedergegeben. Abschließend wird die Arbeit zusammengefasst und das Gesamtergebnis im letzten Kapitel noch einmal resümiert. 


Trueb, Franziska

Design and Evaluation of Off-Screen Visualization Techniques for Mixed Reality Head-mounted Displays (2022)

Currently, augmented reality head-mounted displays provide only a small field of view. Therefore, objects that are out of view are not perceived by the user, which makes spatial cognition tasks harder to accomplish. Off-screen visualization techniques provide a solution. Many different off-screen visualization techniques were developed and each technique has individual strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, most of the current off-screen techniques are continuously visible and occupy much space in the field of view. Therefore in this thesis, the three off-screen visualization techniques 1) Map, 2) Halo, and 3) Combination of Map and Halo were developed to investigate off-screen visualization techniques for augmented reality. This thesis presents the development and evaluation of the three approaches. First, the foundations and related work are presented. Next, the study prototype, including the requirements and the design concept for the visualization techniques are shown. Thereby, Map includes an on-demand 3D overview map, Halo is based on the original Halo technique but adapted for augmented reality, and Combination of Map and Halo combines both individual techniques. The evaluation of the techniques was guided by the question of how the visualization techniques influence the Performance (RQ1), Spatial Cognition (RQ2), Cognitive Load (RQ3), and User Experience (RQ4). Furthermore, the conducted user study is discussed in detail in this thesis. Objectively, the user study data showed no statistically significant differences between the conditions, except for a learning effect in condition Halo. Additionally, Map was subjectively preferred. Moreover, it was shown that adding an additional technique might be beneficial to compensate for disadvantages or supplement with additional strengths. However, the current implementation of Combination of Map and Halo does not outperform the individual techniques.


Uecker, Selina

Design and Evaluation of a Hybrid User Interface for Individual Sensemaking Activities (2022)

Working with large data sets, extracting important information, and making sense of multiple data sources has long been a part of our daily lives. These activities and processes are referred to as sensemaking. Humans tend to arrange content spatially and attribute meaning to different locations in their work space while working on such sensemaking tasks. Because of the device’s limited screen size, organizing content spatially has become more difficult as digital devices such as laptops have become more prevalent. Augmented Reality creates a space in which users can freely arrange and place virtual content while remaining aware of their surroundings. While Augmented Reality offers a promising setting for sensemaking, it is still in its early stages and faces some limitations. These limitations could be compensated for by combining it with a hand-held device such as a tablet. Therefore this paper will describe the design and evaluation of a hybrid user interface designed for individual sensemaking activities in order to perform a usability study to gain insight into virtual content placement and user’s sensemaking workflow with a hybrid user interface using Augmented Reality.


Weber, David

Egocentric Audio Browsing: Neue Möglichkeit der Exploration von Audiobeständen (2015)

Books can be visually browsed easily and without any additional tools. But because of their auditive nature, audio data storages such as CDs need an additional way of playback which is mostly, if the possibility exists, not connected with the actual process of browsing in stores and libraries. In response to this problem a system was created to facilitate users in public locations to fluently browse audio collections and discover new music through egocentric interaction. With the use of body position, elements of the physical exploration of CDs are preserved but not the involvement of the CD itself. The application is simultaniously enhanced through the possibilities of digital music discovery in respect to functionality and visualization. The prototype of this system was then evaluated to measure the concept's functionality and usability in order to find out to what extent it's providing its usage.


Weber, Rebecca

Mixed Reality Mirror Box: Design und Evaluation eines Mixed Reality-Ansatzes für Spiegeltherapie (2016)

In the section of neurorehabilitation, there is a therapy called mirror therapy which is used for the treatment of phantom limp pain after an amputation, CRPS and hemiparesis following stroke. Conducting mirror therapy requires a so-called mirror box, which is used to view the reflected image of the unimpaired limb.

This thesis is about the design and evaluation of a mixed reality-approach for mirror therapy. The resulting “Mixed Reality Mirror Box” replaces the mirror with a head- mounted display and an infrared camera. With this approach the conventional mirror box can be improved and enhanced.

Two expert interviews provide a first evaluation of the system, from which new requirements for further development can be derived. After implementing these, a user study with stroke patients who are paralyzed on one side is conducted in order to be able to assess the usability and the user experience of the system.

Given the results of the study, in summary, it can be stated that the presented mixed reality-approach shows a great potential for the application of the system in mirror therapy. However, the system is in its early stages and leaves room for improvements and further development.


Weipert, Simone

CoCo: Design and Evaluation of a Collaborative Application for Detecting and Coding Critical Incidents (2021)

The detection and coding of critical incidents is a vital part of many usability studies performed to evaluate a wide range of products and systems. Current methods still rely on time-consuming and ineffective techniques or methods (i.e. pen and paper) to collect critical incidents. Existing digital systems, which offer potential solutions for an improved collection of critical incidents, often lack key features like collaboration and communication aspects or supportive user features. The application presented in this thesis supports researchers of the HCI group to detect and code critical incidents by incorporating collaboration and communication aspects, and other key features. This thesis focuses on the design and evaluation of the prototype “CoCo - Collaborative Coding of Critical Incidents”. Beginning with the examination of the theoretical background about the detection of critical incidents, the thesis presents the following focus group about critical incident detection with Ph.D. students of the HCI group. It leads to a set of requirements to guide the design process of CoCo. Furthermore, related systems are analyzed regarding the derived requirements. Afterward, the prototype CoCo is described and illustrated. It is a collaborative web application for the remote detection and coding of critical incidents during studies. It offers researchers to observe live streams of studies to detect critical incidents collaboratively. Each researcher can observe the live streams remotely from any device with an internet connection. Team members can communicate throughout the observation. Moreover, CoCo offers the tagging and illustration of detected critical incidents in a timeline that is synced to the live streams. This allows for a logical connection between the video footage and the information collected by the observer. Additionally, CoCo offers researchers to re-watch the live stream after they ended. This enables them to refine the collected data. Finally, a usability study with four participants within the HCI group was conducted. The goal of the study was to evaluate the overall usability and user experience, as well as the possible improvement from the ineffective methods for critical incident collection. Although users needed some help to get used to the system, they welcomed the collaboration aspect together with the web-based implementation approach. Based on the results of the usability study, potential design improvements and further research directions for the remote detection of critical incidents are described.


Wendler, Juliane

Eat your Colors - Konzeption, Implementierung und Evaluation eines mobilen Ernährungstagebuchs für das farbbasierte Erfassen der Ernährung


The consumption of food is an important element of daily life with great impact on quality of life and health. In order to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, it is important to eat appropriate food items such as vegetables and to reduce the intake of sweets. Here, mobile food diaries in the form of smartphone applications can have a supporting effect. Those however mostly document the calories of meals which is not necessarily helpful, as the user thereby does not know healthy the meals is. Since the healthiness of meals can also be estimated on the basis of colorfulness, the smartphone application EatYourColors was developed with this in mind. This food diary documents the colors of meals and shows the users a color-based feedback. In a 14-day in the wild study EatYourColors was tested by twelve participants for the user experience and the color fidelity of the feedback among others, whereby two different versions of feedback were implemented. The results are discussed in this thesis, whereby technical and design-specific improvements are also described in more detail. 



Wieland, Jonathan

Memo Palace: Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Learning Application Based on the Method of Loci (2016)

The Method of Loci is a learning technique that was already known in ancient times. It is used for memorizing extensive learning contents by associating the items to be learned with places (loci) in the imagination. The formation of the method is already well investigated and also its effectiveness has been demonstrated more than once. However, applying the method can be a demanding task, especially at the beginning of its usage. With the aim to reduce the initial mental effort, the mobile application Memo Palace was developed in three different Versions, which provide different degrees of support during the usage of the method: 1) The version Spatial Loci offers a visual representation of the loci using a photosphere. Additionally, interaction and navigation are realized using spatial input. 2) Panning Loci has no visual differences to Spatial Loci. Spatial input, however, is replaced with panning. 3) No Loci serves as baseline and therefore no photosphere is used and the user has to rely on his imagination. In an in-the-wild study with 24 participants the three versions were analyzed concerning effectiveness, behavior patterns and perceived system support. Based on the results and their discussion conclusions are drawn and a set of design recommendations for future applications is provided.


Winkler, Dominic

Visualisierungs- und Interaktionskonzept zur Integration hierarchischer Daten in die HyperGrid (2007)

Hierarchies are not only used to structure information but also to deliver information. Therefore effective methods to display the information presented by hierarchies are necessary. Furthermore, to handle such a huge amount of information visual seeking systems have to be used. Innovative seeking systems support both an exploring and analytical approach. MedioVis, a research project of the Human- Computer Interaction workgroup of the University of Konstanz, is such a system. The main visualization of MedioVis is a zoomable table called HyperGrid. As of yet the HyperGrid cannot visualize hierarchical relations. Since hierarchies are a really important part of complex information spaces, they need to be displayed inside the HyperGrid. Therefore within this thesis the HyperGridXGL, a new visualization and interaction concept to integrate hierarchical data into the HyperGrid, was developed. In order to demonstrate its conceptual and technological feasibilty the concept is applied and implemented as a prototype. In the following evaluation the developed prototype was tested. In the context of this thesis, the concept, implementation and the results of the evaluation are observed and discussed in detail. The thesis is summed up with a resumé which includes an outlook towards the possible further development of the HyperGridXGL.


Zimmermann, Tobias

Tiefenrausch - Design und Evaluation eines begreifbaren Suchsystems für öffentliche Bibliotheken (2016)

This thesis introduces Tiefenrausch, a system design for purposeful searching in public libraries. One of the big advantages of this system is the transparency and comprehensibility of the search process. By employing big touchscreen displays and tangibles as input methods, it proves a new way of searching in public libraries compared to the standard OPAC systems. The first section of this thesis illustrates the motivation behind creating such a system und establishes requirements that have to be met. Afterwards, a State-of- the-Art analysis summarizes guidelines for the design of a search system, which are then used to evaluate selected search systems with interesing approaches. Based on that, one of them is chosen as a initial system, it’s latest version is presented in detail and needed changes for its use in a public library are identified. The implementation of those changes as Tiefenrausch is then presented. To evaluate this system, three studies have been conducted in the wild. After the presentation of their results, their implications are discussed and further improvements and enhancements for Tiefenrausch are identifed.


Zöllner, Michael

A Persistent Object-oriented Data Model for Personal Information Management in ZOIL (2009)

People in the information age are confronted daily with an ever-expanding mass of some sense of personal information. Current operating systems and tools are incapable of efficiently managing this information. The discipline of personal information management tries to find solutions to this problem that allow every single one to manage efficiently its personal space of information. The ZOIL paradigm can be thought of as such a solution. In ZOIL the personal space of information is represented in a zoomable information landscape. This bachelor thesis introduces a data model for ZOIL, which enables the management of heterogeneous information objects. The focus of the data model is on the flexible modelling of the personal space of information and the persistence of the information objects. Using ZOIL in collaborative scenarios it is possible for multiple devices to access a shared information space, whose changes are synchronized in real time between these devices. Through the visual persistence of information objects in the information landscape of ZOIL the user gets a consistent user interface, which he can change at will. After requirements of the data model have been collected and the implementation has been discussed, the data model is evaluated from a performance perspective. The thesis finishes with an outlook on future work n the data model.