Collaborative Interactive Spaces


Harald Reiterer, Daniel Klinkhammer, Carmen Zahn, Magdalena Mateescu, Jens Gerken, Jan Oke Tennie, Stefan Feyer


Collaborative Interactive spaces are ubiquitous computing environments for computer-supported collaboration that exploit and enhance the existing cognitive, physical and social skills of users or groups of users. The project "Collaborative Interactive Spaces" embraces multiple cooperation activities.

  • Cooperation project: Technology Affordances for Interactive Surfaces (TAIS)
    Together with our project partner the Institute for Research and Development of Collaborative Processes - University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW we focus on the design and use of interactive multi-user tabletop technology (ITT) for the support of cooperative work in co-located groups.

  • Cooperation project: smartEnvironments
    There is a close cooperation between the ICT Kohlberg and the HCI Group for serveral years. The project smartEnviroments serves as a platform for knowledge sharing between industry and science. Furthermore the software smartPerform from Immersion7 (subsidiary company of the ICT AG) is used by the HCI Group for user studies and lectures.