The influence of interoceptive signalling on self-other perception, sensorimotor and physiological synchrony, and behaviour in social interactions within mixed reality spaces


01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025


Tiare Feuchtner, Daniel Fink


ISMiR (The influence of interoceptive signalling on self-other perception, sensorimotor and physiological synchrony, and behaviour in social interactions within mixed reality spaces) is part of the Center for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour (CASCB)

The main aim of the project is to combine the expertise of psychology and computer science to develop suitable Human-Computer Interfaces (HCI) to enhance interoception, i.e. perception of cardiac and respiratory cues, in various mixed reality paradigms and investigate their contribution to self-other perception, social interactions, and cooperation.

We aim to optimise ways to augment interoceptive cues in collaborative settings across the MR spectrum, ranging from cases of limited access to natural bodily cues in VR and online interactions (i.e. “compensatory interoceptive cues”), to cases of normal access to natural bodily cues in real-life scenarios in face to face interactions using AR and custom-made physical interfaces (e.g. wearable display module, blinking light on a vest) (i.e. “enhanced interoceptive cues”).