Prof. Dr. Harald Reiterer

Prof. Dr. Mag. Harald Reiterer holds a Magister (Mag.) degree (M.Sc. equivalent) from the University of Vienna in Computer Science and Economics. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in Computer Science at the University Vienna, Austria in 1991. In 1995 the University of Vienna conferred him the venia legendi (Habilitation) in Human-Computer Interaction. Prior to his appointment as full professor at the Computer and Information Science Department of the University of Konstanz in 2009, he was associate professor at the Department of Computer and Information Science of the University of Konstanz (1997-2009), assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Vienna (1995-1997), and senior researcher at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (1990-1995) in Bonn, Germany. His main research interests include different fields of Human-Computer Interaction, like Interaction Design, Usability Engineering, and Information Visualization. He published a variety of articles in the top Journals and Conferences and works as a reviewer for various journals and conferences in these areas. He works also as a reviewer for different national science foundations like the DFG, Germany, the FFF, Austria and the SNF, Switzerland.


  • Human-Computer Interaction Group
    Responsibility: Professor
  • Departmental Council of Computer and Information Science
    Responsibility: Member (01.10.2019 - 30.09.2021),
    Speaker of the Department (01.10.2012 - 30.09.2014),
    Dean of Studies (01.10.2001 - 30.09.2005)
  • Faculty of Sciences
    Responsibility: Dean (Best. SR 16.10.19 ) (01.10.2019 - 30.09.2023)
  • Deanery of the Faculty of Sciences
    Responsibility: Dean (Best. SR 16.10.19 ) (01.10.2019 - 30.09.2023)
  • Senate
    Responsibility: Senator of Section 1 and Dean (01.10.2019 - 30.09.2023)
  • Rectorate
    Responsibility: Dean, consulting (01.10.2019 - 30.09.2023)


Dagstuhl Seminars

Shonan Meetings

Founding Member

Journal Reviewer


Adaptives Zeigen - implizite Zuwachsanpassung für absolute Zeigevorrichtungen

Patentnummer EP 2 226 707 B1

Program Committee



Harald Reiterer's talk series on “Fluid Interaction for Visual Data Analysis” is summarized in his article "Fluid Interaction Revisited"

Harald Reiterer’s talk on “Die reale Welt als Vorbild — Neue Wege der Interaktion mit digitalen Welten” as part of the GK CrossWorlds  at TU Chemnitz is available on Youtube (german).

Harald Reiterer’s talk on “Blended Interaction — Konzepte für die Bibliothek der Zukunft” as part of the conference “Die Zukunft der Wissensspeicher” is available on the website of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung  (german).


Title Responsibility Period
SMARTACT Teilprojekt 6: Smartmobility / SMARTACT 2 Teilprojekt 6 Project leader 01.04.2018 – 30.11.2023
Ausstellung "Mainau - Thema Afrika - Vogelvisualisierung" Project leader 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018
Lehrprojekt Blended Museum, Badisches Landesmuseum Project leader 31.01.2017 – 14.02.2020
Semantically-aware Literature Recommender (SemAware Lit rec) Project leader 01.07.2016 – 31.08.2019
ERTRAG Project leader 01.06.2016 – 30.11.2019
SFB TRR 161 TP C 01 Quantitative Messung von Interaktion Project leader 01.07.2015 – 30.06.2027
SMARTACT Teilprojekt 6: Smartmobility / SMARTACT 2 Teilprojekt 6 Project leader 01.02.2015 – 31.03.2018
TAIS-Technology Affordances for Interactive Surfaces Project leader 01.07.2014 – 31.12.2015
smart Environments ICT Project leader 01.06.2014 – 31.05.2017
Lernort Bibliothek: Bibliotheksservice digital und real Project leader 20.12.2012 – 19.12.2014
Omnipresent Project leader 01.03.2011 – 30.09.2012
Blended Library - Library of the Future Project leader 01.01.2011 – 31.12.2015
Ähnlichkeitssuche in digitalen Bildbeständen (DASTi) Project leader 01.08.2010 – 31.12.2012
HR Lab and Interaction Lab Project leader 15.01.2010 – 31.10.2012
A Simulation-Driven Approach to User Interface Specification based on a Multiscale Visual Workspace for Supporting Collaborative Creativity Project leader 01.07.2009 – 09.06.2017
Design and Evaluation of Multi Modal Knowledge Work Environments Project leader 01.06.2009 – 31.12.2010
Tokens - neue Wege begreifbarer Mensch-Computer Interaktion Project leader 02.02.2009 – 31.12.2011
MedioVis 2.0 Project leader 01.07.2008 – 31.10.2010
inteHRDis - Interaction Techniques for High Resolution Displays Project leader 21.04.2006 – 31.12.2012
MedioVis Project leader 23.11.2005 – 22.05.2008
Blended Interaction Design Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
Cross Device Interaction Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
eLmuse Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
Holistic Workspace Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
Inspector Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
INSYDER Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
INVISIP Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
MORE Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
permaedia Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
PocketBee Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
RESPECT Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
Squidy Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
USER Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
VisMeB Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100
ZOIL Project leader 01.01.1900 – 31.12.2100

Publication list

Publication type
Year of publication
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  • Article
  • Book
  • Dissertation
  • Thesis
  • Proceedings
  • Other
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