Dr. Anke Reinschlüssel

I joined the HCI Group as a research assistant/PostDoc in the summer of 2023. I am interested in multimodal interfaces and am looking into how biosignals, in combination with new technologies, such as mixed reality or tangibles, can support the understanding of oneself and enrich social interactions. I am affiliated with the CASCB (Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour) and support their project ISMiR, which my supervisor, TT-Professor Tiare Feuchtner, leads.

I received my PhD in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Bremen, where I worked as a research assistant in the Digital Media Lab led by Professor Rainer Malaka. My dissertation thesis was „Empowering Surgeons - A Multimodal Interaction Approach to Improve Computer-assisted Surgical Planning and Interventions“. I have a bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science from the University of Osnabrück and a master’s degree in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Siegen.

For a complete list of publications, please visit my Google Scholar profile.

Publication list

  • Article
  • Book
  • Dissertation
  • Thesis
  • Proceedings
  • Other
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