Former Lectures 2020 - 2024

Summer Term 2024

Interactive Systems

Lecture and Exercice, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Interactive Systems will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the goals and research questions of the area of Human-Computer Interaction. Students will learn how to design and develop interactive systems with user requirements in mind.
Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Basics of human perception, cognition, and motor system
  • Design of usable products
  • Basic design principles
  • Established input and output styles
  • Basic ideas of user-centered design
  • Techniques to evaluate interactive systems


At the end of this semester, you will know:

  • the basics of human information processing (perception, cognition, motor system, mental modells, and errors)
  • the basic rules of user interface design and you are able to apply establish interaction styles (e.g., commands, dialogs, direct manipulation, searching and browsing, interactive visualizations)
  • the basic ideas of the user-centered design lifecycle and you will know fundamental methods and techniques to design interactive systems (e.g., requirements engineering, sketching and prototyping, and evaluation techniques)
  • how to analyze and validate existing interactive systems
  • how to realize basic interaction design on your own
  • different use cases for selected types of interaction in the areas of e.g., graphical user interfaces (GUI), multi-touch interfaces, and mobile interaction

Software Project

Project, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Die Studierenden entwickeln in Projektgruppen ein Softwaresystem mittlerer Komplexität. Dazu erstellen sie strukturiert und kollaborativ eine Analyse, einen Entwurf und schließlich die Implementierung des Systems.

Bitte beachten Sie: Das Software-Projekt findet ausschließlich in der Vorlesungszeit statt. Dadurch ist der wöchentliche Durchschnittsaufwand mit ca. 13 Arbeitsstunden im Vergleich zu anderen Veranstaltungen hoch. Desweiteren ist eine kontinuierliche wöchentliche Arbeit für die Veranstaltung unerlässlich. Beachten Sie dies bei Ihrer Semesterplanung.


Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, ein Softwaresystem in einer Gruppe zu planen, zu verwalten und umzusetzen. Sie beherrschen den Umgang mit modernen Entwicklungswerkzeugen zur Softwareentwicklung, Versionskontrolle, Aufgabenplanung und Kommunikation.

Interaction in Mixed Reality: Advanced Topics

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Interaction in Mixed Reality: Advanced Topics” is a master’s course in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction and part of the Interactive Systems specialization. During the first half of the semester, students will follow a series of lectures to learn the theoretical background and technical details for a selection advanced topics, such as

  • perceptual illusions
  • beyond-real interactions
  • augmented and diminished reality
  • handheld or hybrid user interfaces
  • peripheral displays
  • etc.

This theoretical knowledge will then be put into practice in the second part of the semester, where students individually develop a functional prototype as a proof of concept. Students thereby get the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art devices like MR head-mounted displays/goggles (e.g., Meta Quest 3 VR, the Magic Leap, Varjo XR3), tracking gloves (Manus VR), AR-capable tablets and Smartphones, etc. In this module we build on 3D interaction techniques and design principles for immersive virtual reality spaces, which are covered in the course “Interaction in Mixed Reality: Basic Concepts” (INF-16810) (previously “Interaction in Mixed Reality Spaces”). Further, we encourage using the Unity game engine ( for prototype development. Prior experience in the development of 3D interactions is required and can be acquired through the “Unity Crash Course” (INF-16430).


In this course you will

  • Gain an overview and advanced understanding of select advanced topics in MR interaction
  • Learn about the opportunities and challenges of state-of-the-art display and tracking technologies
  • Study the specific algorithms and techniques for addressing a particular advanced topic
  • Extend your experience in designing and developing specialized MR applications in Unity


In addition to current publications that will be provided during the course, the course contents are based on the following textbooks:

  • 3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice (Doug A. Bowman; Ernst Kruijff; Joseph J. LaViola Jr.; Ivan Poupyrev), 2nd Edition
  • Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice (Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Höllerer)

Project Management

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

  • Projekt strukturieren
  • Projekt planen
  • Projekt bewerten
  • Projektstatus berichten
  • Projektänderungen managen
  • Projekt abschließen
  • Rollen anhand eines konkreten, durchgängigen Fallbeispieles durchspielen
  • Feedback vom Trainer sowie von den Teilnehmern inkl. zu Soft Skills erhalten


  • Gute Projektabgrenzung mit Schwerpunkt auf die Projektstrukturierung und –planung durchführen
  • Projekt bewerten, -status effizient berichten
  • Projektänderungen managen
  • Projekt abschließen
  • Zusammenarbeit im Team und mit dem Auftraggeber mittels Rollenspielen (Auftraggeber-, Projektteam-, Projektleiter-, Beobachterrollen) verstehen.
  • Hinweise zur Verbesserung der individuellen Soft Skills erhalten


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Fourth Edition, 2008
  • Gerold Patzak (Autor), Günter Rattay (Autor): Projektmanagement: Leitfaden zum Management von Projekten, Projektportfolios und projektorientierten Unternehmen, 12.2008
  • Bruno Jenny: Projektmanagement: Das Wissen für den Profi, vdf, 12.2009
  • Pascal Mangold: IT- Projektmanagement kompakt, 129 Seiten - Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 9.2009
  • Burkhard Klose: Projektabwicklung: Arbeitshilfen, Fallbeispiele und Checklisten im Projektmanagement, 11.2008
  • PMI - Project Management Institute (US),
  • Association for Project Management (UK),
  • GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement,
  • Project Manager Today,
  • Project World,
  • PM Forum,

Physical Computing

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The increasing variety in form factor of computing devices and the trend towards an ecology of interconnected smart devices pose major challenges to interaction design practices. This new complexity requires a better integration of creative design techniques into the development process to achieve natural interfaces and good user experience.

This course will cover the fundamental concepts of the Physical Computing paradigm. Students will learn the properties and use of microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators, as well as standard electronic components (e.g., resistors, diodes, transistors and capacitors) to create standalone interactive circuits that can be integrated into everyday objects. They will also learn how to create and print 3D models to build full physical mockups of interactive artifacts.

Students will apply this knowledge to build stand-alone interactive devices and sensor circuits that can “talk” and “listen” to a PC, thereby completing a design process from concept to hardware prototype.


In this course you will

  • learn about techniques and aims of physical computing in interaction design
  • apply these techniques in practical examples within a design project
  • develop skills in electronic prototyping with microcontrollers (e.g., Arduino)
  • learn to utilize 3D printers to create physical parts
  • evaluate and reflect on design choices with scientifically grounded arguments from a technological, user experience and multimodal interaction perspective referencing related work in HCI, Psychology, and Physical Computing

After successful completion of the course, you should have an understanding of how hardware, software and other materials can be combined in the design of computational objects for humancomputer interaction.


The seminar is based on these three books that complement each other:

  • O'Sullivan, D., Igoe, T. (2004) Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers. Thomson.
  • Greenberg, S., Carpendale, S., Marquardt, N., & Buxton, B. (2011). Sketching user experiences: The workbook. Elsevier.
  • Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., Cohen, M. S., Jacobs, S., Elmqvist, N., & Diakopoulos, N. (2016). Designing the user interface: strategies for effective human-computer interaction. Pearson.

Exhibition Design. Interactive Media for Museums

Directed Studies, 6 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Interaktive Medien im Kontext von Raum, Licht, Sound und Grafik.

Hier liegt der Fokus des Lehrprojektes Mediale Ausstellungsgestaltung auf den verschiedenen Parametern einer medial inszenierten Ausstellung. Fachlichen Input gibt es durch Vorträge der beteiligten Professoren (Architekt, Historiker, Informatiker) sowie von Licht- und Musikdesignern zu den Themen Inhalt, Objekt,  Kontextualisierung, Storytelling, Inszenierung, Raum, Parcours, Lichtdesign, Sounddesign, Grafikdesign und Interaction Design.


Die Lehrveranstaltung  "Interaktive Medien im Kontext von Raum, Licht, Sound und Grafik" ist eingebettet in das viersemestrige Lehrprojekte Mediale Ausstellungsgestaltung (MAG) . Die Lehrveranstaltung kann auch unabhängig davon besucht werden. Für Interessierte besteht jedoch die Möglichkeit der Fortsetzung im darauffolgenden Winter- und Sommersemester im Rahmen der Veranstaltungen "Konzeption einer Ausstellung" und "Realisierung einer Ausstellung" im Turm zur Katz Konstanz.

Ziel der Veranstaltung ist die Vermittlung der szenographischen Grundlagen zur Gestaltung einer Ausstellung. Die Studierenden lernen den besuchergerechten Einsatz verschiedenster Medien wie Text, Ton, Licht und digitalen Medien im Raum. Für InformatikerInnen ist hier vor allem die besuchergerechte Gestaltung interaktiver Medien zur Wissensvermittlung von Interesse. 

Seminar Human-Computer Interaction

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

At the beginning of the semester, the current project topics for the semester are presented in the HCI Student Jour Fixe. After the selection of a topic in agreement with a supervising doctoral student, the work on the seminar can be started. The selected topic offers a question that should be addressed in the seminar. The work on the seminar paper is supposed to help students to familiarize themselves with the theoretical foundations and previous research results (state of the art) in regard to their topic. The seminar paper represents the preliminary theoretical work for the bachelor or master project (see also the lecture description of the bachelor or master project).


The participants are able to independently conduct a scientific literature research - including the independant search for relevant literature by themselves - and to scientifically document the gained knowledge. This includes the correct citation of scientific works. The participants practice giving scientific lectures and discussing them. This will prepare the participants methodically and contentwise for the bachelor or master project and their bachelor or master thesis.
The topic to be worked on is only partially framed for the seminar on the bachelor or master project. The participants will receive initial literature at the beginning. This literature is to be seen as a starting point for a deeper analysis. It is expected that the students search for further literature on their own and include it in their seminar paper in addition to the literature that was initially assigned to them.

Bachelor-Project Human-Computer-Interaction

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The student will be with working on a complex topic in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction, in most cases related to current research in the HCI group of Prof. Reiterer. They will start with elaborating a theoretical perspective on the topic, e.g. through intensive literature research (in combination with the project seminar). The second part of the project will focus on implementation and evaluation of prototypes.

In this weekly get-together, students are invited to present the current status of their seminar or project work. Informal discussions with all attendees will help to find thematic overlaps, possible technical solutions, and targeted guidance that help to proceed to the next step (e.g., from seminar to project). All students are asked to attend regularly and present their current status in a small presentation (ca. 10 min) three times per semester.


Scientific work (independent and in teamwork). The students will learn how to organize (Milestones, Meetings), conduct (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate (presentation, thesis) an ambitious project.

Master's Project Human-Computer-Interaction

Project, 8 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The master project builds on top of the work of the master seminar. The master project prepares for the writting of the master thesis and allows participants to practically solve a complex human-computer interaction problem. Two models exist:

  • The design-oriented project covers the conceptual design and the implementation of a novel interaction concept. The concepts (e.g. scenarios, personas, sketches, story boards) and their implementation are documented in the written project report.
  • The evaluation-oriented project consists in the conduction of a comprehensive evaluation study. The subject matter of the evaluation, the chosen evaluation setting, and the conduction (including a pilot study) are documented in the written project report.


Under guidance, the participants learn how to organize a challenging project (division, milestones, meetings), carry it out (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate it (presentations, documentation). The technical and conceptual complexity of the implementation/evaluation study is supposed to be appropriate to the master programme.

Winter Term 2023/2024

Unity Crash-Course

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

This course will cover the very basics of the Unity 3D engine. Students will learn the fundamentals of Unity development as well as Virtual Reality (VR) development using Unity. Students will learn how to create interactive applications for immersive environments and deploy these on VR headsets.

This course provides basic foundations and teaches the basic skills needed to complete further courses. Importantly, the skills acquired in the Unity Crash-Crouse are a mandatory prerequisite for further courses like Virtual and Augmented Reality (Deussen), Interaction in Mixed Reality (Feuchtner), Immersive Analytics (Schreiber).


In this course you will

  • gain experience in using the Unity 3D game engine including
    • 3D level design with materials, terrain, and lighting
    • Object behavior scripting including trigger handling and physics simulation (colliders, rigid bodies)
    • Input system (Unity, SteamVR)
  • acquire knowledge of interaction and navigation techniques in virtual environments
  • experience in development of VR applications for Meta Quest 2

After successful completion of the course, you should have an understanding of how to design a 3D application, use Unity to build a 3D interactive system, and know how to build an interactive VR application for Oculus Quest.

This course will be conducted in presence/on campus, as work in the lab is a necessity. Course contents will be learned in tutorial-style guided classes, with strong practical components.
The tutorials will be given by the doctoral researchers Dimitar Garkov, Carlos Pinheiro and Abdelrahman Zaky, as well as student researcher Wilhelm Kerle.

VR-capable laptops and head-mounted displays (Oculus Quest 2)  will be provided for the class to work with. (Students are NO LONGER requested to bring their own laptop computers to work with.)

Due to the limited availability of hardware, the number of participants is limited.


Interaction in Mixed Reality: Basic Concepts

Lecture, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

“Interaction in Mixed Reality: Basic Concepts” is a course designed for students in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction or Interactive Systems.
The theoretical part of this course consists of a series of lectures and tutorials, through which students will gain a deeper understanding of Mixed Reality (MR), existing display and tracking technologies, their characteristics, the process of MR interaction design, and possible application domains. For example, students will learn about 3D Object Manipulation and Navigation in 3D Spaces. In the practical part students will apply the theoretical concepts to complete a number of assignments and develop a VR application as a group project. The Unity game engine ( will be used as development environment and students will be provided with state-of-the-art VR HMDs (Meta Quest 2/3).


In this course you will 

  • gain a deeper understanding of Mixed Reality spaces as an Interaction Paradigm 
  • learn about the underlying display and tracking technologies that enable Mixed Reality
  • get to know application domains that can benefit from Mixed Reality interactions
  • learn how to design Mixed Reality Experiences
  • gain practical experience in designing and developing mixed reality applications in Unity 


The following four textbooks and publications form the main basis for the course content. 

  • 3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice (Doug A. Bowman; Ernst Kruijff; Joseph J. LaViola Jr.; Ivan Poupyrev), 2nd Edition 
  • A Survey of Augmented Reality (Gun Lee, Adrian Clark, Mark Billinghurst) 
  • Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice (Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Höllerer) 
  • Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook (Saul Greenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale, Nicolai Marquardt, Bill Buxton) 

Experiments in Human-Computer Interaction

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description
Experiments in HCI is a directed studies course designed for master students in the domain of Human-Compputer Interaction. Goal of the seminar is to guide students in conducting experimental user studies as part of their thesis. The course covers the whys and hows of conducting experiments in HCI covering both, quantitative and qualitative practices. Students will learn how to build on exisiting work in formulating their research questions and devising hypotheses. In addition, this course addresses how to perform the data collection and select analysis methods that provide evidence for conclusion. Also, students learn how to narrate findings and deal with alternative explanations for results. Based on a carefully selected reading list comprised of theoretical information about experiments, best-practice materials, and good examples, students present their own experiments and get detailed feedback on it. Additionnally, we will summarize the lessons learned to generate hand-on take-home messages.


At the end of this course, students will know

  • how to develop and define research questions and hypotheses in HCI
  • the crucial components of successfull study designs
  • how to run experiments
  • the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative data acquisition
  • how to analyse quantitative and qualitative data
  • pitfalls and tips for successful report writing

At the end of this course, students will be able

  • to define a clear research goal for their thesis
  • chooses applicable tasks, metrics and measurements for their experiment
  • set up a study setting and conduct the experiment
  • successfully analyse and report the results


  • Hornbæk, K. (2013). Some whys and hows of experiments in human–computer interaction. Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction, 5(4), 299-373.
  • Lazar, J., Feng, J. H., & Hochheiser, H. (2017). Research methods in human-computer interaction. Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Cairns, P., & Cox, A. L. (Eds.). (2008). Research methods for human-computer interaction (Vol. 12). New York (NY): Cambridge University Press

Future Challenges and Trends in HCI

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

In the past few years, artificial intelligence has experienced remarkable advancements and widespread adoption across various use cases, with the potential of revolutionizing how we work, communicate, and interact with technology.

Yet, there are still significant challenges to overcome and opportunities to be explored when interacting with such AI-based systems: "I doubt that the current set of generative AI tools (like ChatGPT, Bard, etc.) are representative of the UIs we’ll be using in a few years, because they have deep-rooted usability problems. Their problems led to the development of a new role — the 'prompt engineer.' Prompt engineers exist to tickle ChatGPT in the right spot so it coughs up the right results." -

Throughout this directed studies event, students will gain hands-on experience in researching or prototyping interactive applications within this context. You will systematically unravel the "magic" and other components that lead to immersive flows when interacting with AI-based systems and highlight their potential for current research streams in HCI (e.g., mixed reality user interfaces) by applying it to own prototypical implementations using state-of-the-art technology.


The basic learning objective is to address, prepare, and present a research area of HCI. Topics will be provided during the kick-off event. Alternatively, individual own topics can be prepared and suggested before the kick-off event. Topics can either be done theoretically (e.g., as a term paper) or practically (e.g., as a prototypical implementation).

Seminar Human-Computer Interaction

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

At the beginning of the semester, the current project topics for the semester are presented in the HCI Student Jour Fixe. After the selection of a topic in agreement with a supervising doctoral student, the work on the seminar can be started. The selected topic offers a question that should be addressed in the seminar. The work on the seminar paper is supposed to help students to familiarize themselves with the theoretical foundations and previous research results (state of the art) in regard to their topic. The seminar paper represents the preliminary theoretical work for the bachelor or master project (see also the lecture description of the bachelor or master project).


The participants are able to independently conduct a scientific literature research - including the independant search for relevant literature by themselves - and to scientifically document the gained knowledge. This includes the correct citation of scientific works. The participants practice giving scientific lectures and discussing them. This will prepare the participants methodically and contentwise for the bachelor or master project and their bachelor or master thesis.
The topic to be worked on is only partially framed for the seminar on the bachelor or master project. The participants will receive initial literature at the beginning. This literature is to be seen as a starting point for a deeper analysis. It is expected that the students search for further literature on their own and include it in their seminar paper in addition to the literature that was initially assigned to them.

Bachelor's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The student will be with working on a complex topic in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction, in most cases related to current research in the HCI group of Prof. Reiterer. They will start with elaborating a theoretical perspective on the topic, e.g. through intensive literature research (in combination with the project seminar). The second part of the project will focus on implementation and evaluation of prototypes.

In this weekly get-together, students are invited to present the current status of their seminar or project work. Informal discussions with all attendees will help to find thematic overlaps, possible technical solutions, and targeted guidance that help to proceed to the next step (e.g., from seminar to project). All students are asked to attend regularly and present their current status in a small presentation (ca. 10 min) three times per semester.


Scientific work (independent and in teamwork). The students will learn how to organize (Milestones, Meetings), conduct (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate (presentation, thesis) an ambitious project.

Master's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 8 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The master project builds on top of the work of the master seminar. The master project prepares for the writting of the master thesis and allows participants to practically solve a complex human-computer interaction problem. Two models exist:

  • The design-oriented project covers the conceptual design and the implementation of a novel interaction concept. The concepts (e.g. scenarios, personas, sketches, story boards) and their implementation are documented in the written project report.
  • The evaluation-oriented project consists in the conduction of a comprehensive evaluation study. The subject matter of the evaluation, the chosen evaluation setting, and the conduction (including a pilot study) are documented in the written project report.


Under guidance, the participants learn how to organize a challenging project (division, milestones, meetings), carry it out (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate it (presentations, documentation). The technical and conceptual complexity of the implementation/evaluation study is supposed to be appropriate to the master programme.

Summer Term 2023

Interactive Systems

Lecture and Exercice, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Interactive Systems will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the goals and research questions of the area of Human-Computer Interaction. Students will learn how to design and develop interactive systems with user requirements in mind.
Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Basics of human perception, cognition, and motor system
  • Design of usable products
  • Basic design principles
  • Established input and output styles
  • Basic ideas of user-centered design
  • Techniques to evaluate interactive systems


At the end of this semester, you will know:

  • the basics of human information processing (perception, cognition, motor system, mental modells, and errors)
  • the basic rules of user interface design and you are able to apply establish interaction styles (e.g., commands, dialogs, direct manipulation, searching and browsing, interactive visualizations)
  • the basic ideas of the user-centered design lifecycle and you will know fundamental methods and techniques to design interactive systems (e.g., requirements engineering, sketching and prototyping, and evaluation techniques)
  • how to analyze and validate existing interactive systems
  • how to realize basic interaction design on your own
  • different use cases for selected types of interaction in the areas of e.g., graphical user interfaces (GUI), multi-touch interfaces, and mobile interaction

Software Project

Project, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Die Studierenden entwickeln in Projektgruppen ein Softwaresystem mittlerer Komplexität. Dazu erstellen sie strukturiert und kollaborativ eine Analyse, einen Entwurf und schließlich die Implementierung des Systems.

Bitte beachten Sie: Das Software-Projekt findet ausschließlich in der Vorlesungszeit statt. Dadurch ist der wöchentliche Durchschnittsaufwand mit ca. 13 Arbeitsstunden im Vergleich zu anderen Veranstaltungen hoch. Desweiteren ist eine kontinuierliche wöchentliche Arbeit für die Veranstaltung unerlässlich. Beachten Sie dies bei Ihrer Semesterplanung.


Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, ein Softwaresystem in einer Gruppe zu planen, zu verwalten und umzusetzen. Sie beherrschen den Umgang mit modernen Entwicklungswerkzeugen zur Softwareentwicklung, Versionskontrolle, Aufgabenplanung und Kommunikation.

Project Management

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

  • Projekt strukturieren
  • Projekt planen
  • Projekt bewerten
  • Projektstatus berichten
  • Projektänderungen managen
  • Projekt abschließen
  • Rollen anhand eines konkreten, durchgängigen Fallbeispieles durchspielen
  • Feedback vom Trainer sowie von den Teilnehmern inkl. zu Soft Skills erhalten


  • Gute Projektabgrenzung mit Schwerpunkt auf die Projektstrukturierung und –planung durchführen
  • Projekt bewerten, -status effizient berichten
  • Projektänderungen managen
  • Projekt abschließen
  • Zusammenarbeit im Team und mit dem Auftraggeber mittels Rollenspielen (Auftraggeber-, Projektteam-, Projektleiter-, Beobachterrollen) verstehen.
  • Hinweise zur Verbesserung der individuellen Soft Skills erhalten


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Fourth Edition, 2008
  • Gerold Patzak (Autor), Günter Rattay (Autor): Projektmanagement: Leitfaden zum Management von Projekten, Projektportfolios und projektorientierten Unternehmen, 12.2008
  • Bruno Jenny: Projektmanagement: Das Wissen für den Profi, vdf, 12.2009
  • Pascal Mangold: IT- Projektmanagement kompakt, 129 Seiten - Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 9.2009
  • Burkhard Klose: Projektabwicklung: Arbeitshilfen, Fallbeispiele und Checklisten im Projektmanagement, 11.2008
  • PMI - Project Management Institute (US),
  • Association for Project Management (UK),
  • GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement,
  • Project Manager Today,
  • Project World,
  • PM Forum,

Realisierung einer Ausstellung

Directed Studies, 6/9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS


Innerhalb dieser Veranstaltung wird das Konzept der Ausstellung "Youtopia" realisiert. Das Konzept wurde im Wintersemester 2022/2023 von Studierenden der Universität Konstanz, der HTWG Konstanz und der HfM Trossingen im Rahmen des Kurses "Konzeption einer Ausstellung" (INF-14870) entwickelt. Dieser Kurs ist als Fortsetzung des Kurses aus dem Wintersemester zu sehen, ein Einstieg in diesem Semester ist aber möglich.

Die Ausstellung YOUTOPIA möchte einerseits Stadtutopien aus der Vergangenheit vorstellen und andererseits Perspektiven für die Stadt der Zukunft aufzeigen. Im interaktiven YOUTOPIA-Lab können die Besucher:innen ihre eigenen Stadtvisionen entwickeln. Dabei bilden Erinnerung, Aufklärung, Multiperspektivität und Reflexion die Grundlage für das Verständnis von Stadtutopien und deren Auswirkungen auf unser tägliches Leben und gesellschaftliche Prozesse. Auf diese Weise möchte die multimediale und interaktive Ausstellung YOUTOPIA. Stadtvisionen erleben. den Bezug zur konkreten Lebenswelt der Besucher*innen herstellen und zu einem offenen Diskurs einladen.

Wir werden in interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppen die Ausstellungsinhalte, die narrativen Räume, die interaktiven Medien und Applikationen, das grafische Erscheinungsbild und den Sound im Detail weiterentwickeln und bis zur Produktionsreife erstellen. Von der Architektur über die Szenografie und das Sounddesign, von der Licht- und Medienplanung bis hin zur Erstellung und Umsetzung der Ausstellungsgrafik, der Printmedien, einer Projekt-Homepage und eines Marketing- und Sponsoring-Konzeptes werden wir in einem erfahrungsgemäß äußerst spannenden Prozess das im Detail ausgearbeitete Konzept mit allen Komponenten selbst produzieren und die Ausstellung im mittelalterliche Turm zur Katz im Zentrum der Stadt Konstanz eins zu eins aufbauen.

YOUTOPIA. Stadtvisionen erleben wird am 13. Juli 2023 mit einer feierlichen Vernissage im Turm zur Katz eröffnet und bis zum 22. Oktober 2023 für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sein. Begleitet wird die Ausstellung durch ein Rahmenprogramm aus öffentlichen Vorträgen, Führungen, Diskussionsrunden u.ä...


Die Studierenden erlernen den Einsatz innovativer Techniken der Mensch-Computer Interaktion im Ausstellungskontext. Der Fokus liegt auf einer multimedialen und interaktiven Präsentation der Inhalte. Durch das Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Fachrichtungen soll eine szenografische Ausstellung entstehen, die die Besucher inhaltlich und ästhetisch ansprechen und überraschen soll.

Entwicklung interaktiver Medien für Ausstellungen

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Innerhalb dieser Veranstaltung werden die interaktiven Exponate für die Ausstellung "Youtopia" realisiert. Das Konzept wurde im Wintersemester 2022/2023 von Studierenden der Universität Konstanz, der HTWG Konstanz und der HfM Trossingen im Rahmen des Kurses "Konzeption einer Ausstellung" (INF-14870) entwickelt. Auf Basis dieses Konzepts werden die interaktiven Exponate in dieser Veranstaltung weiterentwickelt und vollständig implementiert.

In der Ausstellung "Youtopia" werden Stadtutopien von gestern, heute und morgen multimedial erlebbar. Durch verschiedene Blickwinkel auf utopische Stadtkonzepte werden Besucher dazu inspiriert, über ihre persönliche Utopie nachzudenken und bekommen ein umfangreiches Verständnis davon, was eine ideale Stadt ausmacht. 


Die Studierenden erlenen die Implementierung innovativer Interaktionskonzepte und durchlaufen die Phasen "Prototype" und "Evaluate" des UX Design Lifecycles in einem realen Softwareprojekt.


Den Studierenden wird am Beginn eine umfassende Dokumention zur Verfügung gestellt ("Konzeption einer Ausstellung" (INF-14870) aus dem WS 2022/2023). Diese beinhaltet das Grobkonzept der Exponate. Für das Feinkonzept und die Implementierung sind weitere selbständige Recherchen erforderlich (Literatur, Hardware, Software).

Physical Computing

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The increasing variety in form factor of computing devices and the trend towards an ecology of interconnected smart devices pose major challenges to interaction design practices. This new complexity requires a better integration of creative design techniques into the development process to achieve natural interfaces and good user experience.

This course will cover the fundamental concepts of the Physical Computing paradigm. Students will learn the properties and use of microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators, as well as standard electronic components (e.g., resistors, diodes, transistors and capacitors) to create standalone interactive circuits that can be integrated into everyday objects. They will also learn how to create and print 3D models to build full physical mockups of interactive artifacts.

Students will apply this knowledge to build stand-alone interactive devices and sensor circuits that can “talk” and “listen” to a PC, thereby completing a design process from concept to hardware prototype.


In this course you will

  • learn about techniques and aims of physical computing in interaction design
  • apply these techniques in practical examples within a design project
  • develop skills in electronic prototyping with microcontrollers (e.g., Arduino)
  • learn to utilize 3D printers to create physical parts
  • evaluate and reflect on design choices with scientifically grounded arguments from a technological, user experience and multimodal interaction perspective referencing related work in HCI, Psychology, and Physical Computing

After successful completion of the course, you should have an understanding of how hardware, software and other materials can be combined in the design of computational objects for humancomputer interaction.


The seminar is based on these three books that complement each other:

  • O'Sullivan, D., Igoe, T. (2004) Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers. Thomson.
  • Greenberg, S., Carpendale, S., Marquardt, N., & Buxton, B. (2011). Sketching user experiences: The workbook. Elsevier.
  • Shneiderman, B., Plaisant, C., Cohen, M. S., Jacobs, S., Elmqvist, N., & Diakopoulos, N. (2016). Designing the user interface: strategies for effective human-computer interaction. Pearson.

Seminar Human-Computer Interaction

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

At the beginning of the semester, the current project topics for the semester are presented in the HCI Student Jour Fixe. After the selection of a topic in agreement with a supervising doctoral student, the work on the seminar can be started. The selected topic offers a question that should be addressed in the seminar. The work on the seminar paper is supposed to help students to familiarize themselves with the theoretical foundations and previous research results (state of the art) in regard to their topic. The seminar paper represents the preliminary theoretical work for the bachelor or master project (see also the lecture description of the bachelor or master project).


The participants are able to independently conduct a scientific literature research - including the independant search for relevant literature by themselves - and to scientifically document the gained knowledge. This includes the correct citation of scientific works. The participants practice giving scientific lectures and discussing them. This will prepare the participants methodically and contentwise for the bachelor or master project and their bachelor or master thesis.
The topic to be worked on is only partially framed for the seminar on the bachelor or master project. The participants will receive initial literature at the beginning. This literature is to be seen as a starting point for a deeper analysis. It is expected that the students search for further literature on their own and include it in their seminar paper in addition to the literature that was initially assigned to them.

Bachelor-Project Human-Computer-Interaction

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The student will be with working on a complex topic in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction, in most cases related to current research in the HCI group of Prof. Reiterer. They will start with elaborating a theoretical perspective on the topic, e.g. through intensive literature research (in combination with the project seminar). The second part of the project will focus on implementation and evaluation of prototypes.

In this weekly get-together, students are invited to present the current status of their seminar or project work. Informal discussions with all attendees will help to find thematic overlaps, possible technical solutions, and targeted guidance that help to proceed to the next step (e.g., from seminar to project). All students are asked to attend regularly and present their current status in a small presentation (ca. 10 min) three times per semester.


Scientific work (independent and in teamwork). The students will learn how to organize (Milestones, Meetings), conduct (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate (presentation, thesis) an ambitious project.

Master's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 8 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The master project builds on top of the work of the master seminar. The master project prepares for the writting of the master thesis and allows participants to practically solve a complex human-computer interaction problem. Two models exist:

  • The design-oriented project covers the conceptual design and the implementation of a novel interaction concept. The concepts (e.g. scenarios, personas, sketches, story boards) and their implementation are documented in the written project report.
  • The evaluation-oriented project consists in the conduction of a comprehensive evaluation study. The subject matter of the evaluation, the chosen evaluation setting, and the conduction (including a pilot study) are documented in the written project report.


Under guidance, the participants learn how to organize a challenging project (division, milestones, meetings), carry it out (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate it (presentations, documentation). The technical and conceptual complexity of the implementation/evaluation study is supposed to be appropriate to the master programme.

Winter Term 2022/2023

Agile UX Design

Lecture and Exercice, 6 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

This course is about an agile process for UX design, where UX is short for user experience, which includes usability, usefulness, emotional impact, and meaningfulness.
We present a process, method, and technique approach to overall UX design based on the UX lifecycle. The basic UX lifecycle activities we will cover include Understand Needs, Design Solutions, Prototype Candidates, and Evaluate UX.
It is a goal of this course to help students realize that UX design is an ongoing process throughout the full product or system life cycle, and that developing the UX design is not something to be done at the last minute, when the "rest of the system" is finished.


After the lecture, you should know and be able to apply the following methods and techniques:
+ how to run and document a contextual inquiry 
+ how to sketch design ideas
+ how to prototype design ideas
+ how to evaluate prototypes
To prove your methodological knowledge, we will run an exam at the end of the lecture. 
You will participate in a team project to prove your ability to apply this knowledge.

The major work (and major credit) component for the course is the semester team-oriented UX design project. It involves defining, analyzing, specifying, designing, prototyping, and evaluating a UX design for a client that you select. The purpose of the project is to give you real-world exposure to all lifecycle activities involved in creating a significant UX design. The project assignments are described separately; see links in the course calendar.
The instructor will assign students to project teams, trying to balance knowledge, skills, and backgrounds, based on a demographic survey given the first day/week of class. All project activities, including writing the deliverables, are team activities. While some division of labor makes sense, you will learn the most by involving everyone in each activity.


The textbook for this course is The UX Book: Agile UX Design for a Quality User Experience, 2nd ed. by Hartson and Pyla, Morgan Kauffman, 2019. This book is tailored specifically for this course.
For your reference, we will provide a pdf version of the class lecture slides. This is the major source of content and discussion for the course. You have our permission to print a copy of your personal use. We recommend printing a copy when taking part in the class to take notes.

Research Methods in HCI

Lecture, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Evaluation serves the purpose to recognize usability problems early in the development phase of interactive products and develop ideas for improvement. There is a broad spectrum of techniques and methods available (e.g. observation, usability tests, surveys, etc.), which differ in many terms, such as when to apply during the development process or whether to include end-users or experts and thereby provide results for different purposes.

During the theoretical part of the lecture, students will learn about the different basic methods and techniques. This includes the design and conduction of interviews, focus groups, usability tests, and inspection methods.

Another goal of the lecture is to guide students in conducting experimental user studies as advanced research methods. The lecture covers the whys and hows of conducting good experiments in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) covering both quantitative and qualitative practices. Students will learn how to build on existing work in formulating their research questions and devising hypotheses. In addition, the lecture addresses how to perform the data collection and select analysis methods that provide evidence for conclusions. Also, students learn how to narrate findings and deal with alternative explanations for results.

During the practical part of the lecture, students will work on a small project in groups. They will have to conduct a study and apply the learned methods to evaluate an interactive product. This allows them to gain first hands-on experiences and also use our usability lab.


At the end of this lecture, students will know
...basic evaluation methods and techniques of interactive products with regards to usability and user experience to deduce change requirements and re-design recommendations to develop and define research questions and hypotheses in HCI 
...the crucial components of successful study designs to run experiments
...the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative data acquisition to analyze quantitative and qualitative data
...pitfalls and tips for successful report writing

Konzeption einer Ausstellung

Directed Studies, 6 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description
Die interdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltung ist Teil des viersemestrigen Studienmoduls Mediale Ausstellungsgestaltung (MAG) und bündelt die an beiden Hochschulen (HTWG Konstanz & Universität Konstanz) vorhandenen Kompetenzen von Historikern, Medientechnikern und -gestaltern, Informatikern, Architekten und Kommunikationsdesignern in einzigartiger Weise. Studenten der verschiedenen Fachbereiche erhalten die Gelegenheit, gemeinsam in interdisziplinären Gruppen an anspruchsvollen Projekten zusammen zu arbeiten und technisch und gestalterisch neue Ansätze zu entwickeln. Von Seiten der Informatik geht es dabei insbesondere um die Konzeption interaktiver Exponate, die das Ausstellungsthema unter Einsatz aktueller Technolgien (z.B. AR/VR) greifbar machen sollen.
Das geplante Ausstellungsthema für das im Rahmen des Kurses ein Ausstellung konzipiert werden soll ist „Making of a City“.

Die als ein Kooperationsprojekt der beteiligten Fächer und Studiengänge angelegte Veranstaltung zielt darauf ab, ein inhaltlich kohärentes Ausstellungsnarrativ unter Rekurs auf die unterschiedlichen Parameter medialer Ausstellungsinszenierung zu entwickeln und in Form eines ansprechenden gestalterischen Gesamtkonzepts zu umzusetzen. Dazu gibt es Vorlesungseinheiten von den Professoren und Dozenten der verschiedenen Fachbereiche.


Webseite des Kooperationsprojekts:

Bisher im Rahmen des Kooperationsprojektes realisierte Ausstellungen:

Future Challenges and Trends in HCI

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

"A video game or computer game is an electronic game that involves interaction with a user interface or input device — such as a joystick, controller, keyboard, or motion sensing device — to generate visual feedback. This feedback mostly commonly is shown on a video display device, such as a TV set, monitor, touchscreen, or virtual reality headset. [...] Video games are often augmented with audio feedback delivered through speakers or headphones, and sometimes with other types of feedback, including haptic technology." —

This short description of video games mentions interaction, user interfaces, input devices, and output devices. Not surprisingly, this might remind you of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). While the technical foundations of video games and HCI are heavily related, their purpose somewhat differs: HCI tries to develop and evaluate interactive systems that lead to a high usability and adequate user experience. Video games, however, focus on playability and interweave storytelling, characters, and "magic" to create immersive flows.

In this directed studies event, students will systematically unweave the "magic" and other components that lead to immersive flows within video games and highlight their potential for current research streams in HCI (e.g., mixed reality user interfaces) by applying it to own prototypical implementations using state-of-the-art technology.


The basic learning objective is to address, prepare, and present a research area of HCI by drawing inspiration from video games. Topics will be provided during the kick-off event. Alternatively, individual own topics can be prepared and suggested before the kick-off event. The topics are the foundation to an abundace of possibilities — to name but a few: You can shed light on video game elements that already found their way into non-game interactive systems, investigate historical trends to envision the future, or re-implement gameplay elements for non-game interactive systems using our latest head-mounted augmented reality devices. Topics can either be done theorically (e.g., as a term paper) or practically (e.g., as a prototypical implementation).

Physical Computing

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

This course will cover the fundamental concepts of the Physical Computing paradigm. Students will learn the properties and use of microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators, as well as standard electronic components (e.g., resistors, diodes, transistors and capacitors) to create standalone interactive circuits that can be integrated into everyday objects. They will also learn how to create and print 3D models to build full physical mockups of interactive artifacts. Students will apply this knowledge to build stand-alone interactive devices and sensor circuits that can “talk” and “listen” to a PC, thereby completing a design process from concept to hardware prototype.


In this course you will

  • learn about techniques and aims of physical computing in interaction design
  • apply these techniques in practical examples within a design project
  • develop skills in electronic prototyping with microcontrollers (e.g., Arduino)
  • learn to utilize 3D printers to create physical parts
  • evaluate and reflect on design choices with scientifically grounded arguments from a technological, user experience and multimodal interaction perspective referencing related work in HCI, Psychology, and Physical Computing

After successful completion of the course, you should have an understanding of how hardware, software and other materials can be combined in the design of computational objects for human-computer interaction.


The seminar is based on these three books that complement each other:

  • Dan O'Sullivan, Tom Igoe (2004) Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers, Thomson 
  • Greenberg, S., Carpendale, S., Marquardt, N., & Buxton, B. (2011). Sketching user experiences: The workbook. Elsevier.

Seminar Human-Computer Interaction

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

At the beginning of the semester, the current project topics for the semester are presented in the HCI Student Jour Fixe. After the selection of a topic in agreement with a supervising doctoral student, the work on the seminar can be started. The selected topic offers a question that should be addressed in the seminar. The work on the seminar paper is supposed to help students to familiarize themselves with the theoretical foundations and previous research results (state of the art) in regard to their topic. The seminar paper represents the preliminary theoretical work for the bachelor or master project (see also the lecture description of the bachelor or master project).


The participants are able to independently conduct a scientific literature research - including the independant search for relevant literature by themselves - and to scientifically document the gained knowledge. This includes the correct citation of scientific works. The participants practice giving scientific lectures and discussing them. This will prepare the participants methodically and contentwise for the bachelor or master project and their bachelor or master thesis.
The topic to be worked on is only partially framed for the seminar on the bachelor or master project. The participants will receive initial literature at the beginning. This literature is to be seen as a starting point for a deeper analysis. It is expected that the students search for further literature on their own and include it in their seminar paper in addition to the literature that was initially assigned to them.

Bachelor's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The student will be with working on a complex topic in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction, in most cases related to current research in the HCI group of Prof. Reiterer. They will start with elaborating a theoretical perspective on the topic, e.g. through intensive literature research (in combination with the project seminar). The second part of the project will focus on implementation and evaluation of prototypes.

In this weekly get-together, students are invited to present the current status of their seminar or project work. Informal discussions with all attendees will help to find thematic overlaps, possible technical solutions, and targeted guidance that help to proceed to the next step (e.g., from seminar to project). All students are asked to attend regularly and present their current status in a small presentation (ca. 10 min) three times per semester.


Scientific work (independent and in teamwork). The students will learn how to organize (Milestones, Meetings), conduct (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate (presentation, thesis) an ambitious project.

Master's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 8 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The master project builds on top of the work of the master seminar. The master project prepares for the writting of the master thesis and allows participants to practically solve a complex human-computer interaction problem. Two models exist:

  • The design-oriented project covers the conceptual design and the implementation of a novel interaction concept. The concepts (e.g. scenarios, personas, sketches, story boards) and their implementation are documented in the written project report.
  • The evaluation-oriented project consists in the conduction of a comprehensive evaluation study. The subject matter of the evaluation, the chosen evaluation setting, and the conduction (including a pilot study) are documented in the written project report.


Under guidance, the participants learn how to organize a challenging project (division, milestones, meetings), carry it out (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate it (presentations, documentation). The technical and conceptual complexity of the implementation/evaluation study is supposed to be appropriate to the master programme.

Summer Term 2022

Physical Computing

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

This course will cover the fundamental concepts of the Physical Computing paradigm. Students will learn the properties and use of microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators, as well as standard electronic components (e.g., resistors, diodes, transistors and capacitors) to create standalone interactive circuits that can be integrated into everyday objects. They will also learn how to create and print 3D models to build full physical mockups of interactive artifacts. Students will apply this knowledge to build stand-alone interactive devices and sensor circuits that can “talk” and “listen” to a PC, thereby completing a design process from concept to hardware prototype.


In this course you will

  • learn about techniques and aims of physical computing in interaction design
  • apply these techniques in practical examples within a design project
  • develop skills in electronic prototyping with microcontrollers (e.g., Arduino)
  • learn to utilize 3D printers to create physical parts
  • evaluate and reflect on design choices with scientifically grounded arguments from a technological, user experience and multimodal interaction perspective referencing related work in HCI, Psychology, and Physical Computing

After successful completion of the course, you should have an understanding of how hardware, software and other materials can be combined in the design of computational objects for human-computer interaction.


The seminar is based on these three books that complement each other:

  • Dan O'Sullivan, Tom Igoe (2004) Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers, Thomson 
  • Jan Barth, Roman Stefan Grasy, Martin Lukas, Jochen Leinberger, Markus Lorenz Schilling (2013) Prototyping Interfaces: Interaktives Skizzieren Mit VVVV, Schmidt Hermann Verlag 
  • Hartmut Bohnacker, Benedikt Groß, Julia Laub, Claudius Lazzeroni, (2009) Generative Gestaltung: entwerfen, programmieren, visualisieren, Schmidt Hermann Verlag 

Interaction in Mixed Reality Spaces

Lecture, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

“Interaction in Mixed Reality Spaces” is a course designed for students in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction or Interactive Systems. This course consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part consists of a series of  lectures and tutorials, through which students will gain a deeper understanding of Mixed Reality (MR), existing display and tracking technologies, their characteristics, the process of MR interaction design, and possible use cases. For example, students will learn about 3D Object Manipulation and Navigation in 3D Spaces. In the practical part students will apply the theoretical concepts  to complete a number of assignments and develop a group project. Students will have the opportunity to work with state-of-the-art devices like the Oculus Quest 2, the Microsoft Hololens 2, tablets, smartphones, etc.. The implementation will be done in the Unity game engine (


In this course you will

  • gain a deeper understanding of Mixed Reality Spaces as an Interaction Paradigm
  • learn about the underlying display and tracking technologies that enable Mixed Reality
  • get to know application domains that can benefit from Mixed Reality interactions
  • learn how to design Mixed Reality Experiences
  • gain practical experience in designing and developing mixed reality applications in Unity


The following four textbooks and publications form the main basis for the course content.

  • 3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice (Doug A. Bowman; Ernst Kruijff; Joseph J. LaViola Jr.; Ivan Poupyrev), 2nd Edition
  • A Survey of Augmented Reality (Gun Lee, Adrian Clark, Mark Billinghurst)
  • Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice (Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Höllerer)
  • Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook (Saul Greenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale, Nicolai Marquardt, Bill Buxton)


Project, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Die Studierenden entwickeln in Projektgruppen ein Softwaresystem mittlerer Komplexität. Dazu erstellen sie strukturiert und kollaborativ eine Analyse, einen Entwurf und schließlich die Implementierung des Systems.

Bitte beachten Sie: Das Software-Projekt findet ausschließlich in der Vorlesungszeit statt. Dadurch ist der wöchentliche Durchschnittsaufwand mit ca. 13 Arbeitsstunden im Vergleich zu anderen Veranstaltungen hoch. Desweiteren ist eine kontinuierliche wöchentliche Arbeit für die Veranstaltung unerlässlich. Beachten Sie dies bei Ihrer Semesterplanung.


Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, ein Softwaresystem in einer Gruppe zu planen, zu verwalten und umzusetzen. Sie beherrschen den Umgang mit modernen Entwicklungswerkzeugen zur Softwareentwicklung, Versionskontrolle, Aufgabenplanung und Kommunikation.


Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

  • Projekt strukturieren
  • Projekt planen
  • Projekt bewerten
  • Projektstatus berichten
  • Projektänderungen managen
  • Projekt abschließen
  • Rollen anhand eines konkreten, durchgängigen Fallbeispieles durchspielen
  • Feedback vom Trainer sowie von den Teilnehmern inkl. zu Soft Skills erhalten


  • Gute Projektabgrenzung mit Schwerpunkt auf die Projektstrukturierung und –planung durchführen
  • Projekt bewerten, -status effizient berichten
  • Projektänderungen managen
  • Projekt abschließen
  • Zusammenarbeit im Team und mit dem Auftraggeber mittels Rollenspielen (Auftraggeber-, Projektteam-, Projektleiter-, Beobachterrollen) verstehen.
  • Hinweise zur Verbesserung der individuellen Soft Skills erhalten


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Fourth Edition, 2008
  • Gerold Patzak (Autor), Günter Rattay (Autor): Projektmanagement: Leitfaden zum Management von Projekten, Projektportfolios und projektorientierten Unternehmen, 12.2008
  • Bruno Jenny: Projektmanagement: Das Wissen für den Profi, vdf, 12.2009
  • Pascal Mangold: IT- Projektmanagement kompakt, 129 Seiten - Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 9.2009
  • Burkhard Klose: Projektabwicklung: Arbeitshilfen, Fallbeispiele und Checklisten im Projektmanagement, 11.2008
  • PMI - Project Management Institute (US),
  • Association for Project Management (UK),
  • GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement,
  • Project Manager Today,
  • Project World,
  • PM Forum,

Interactive Systems

Lecture and Exercice, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Interactive Systems will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the goals and research questions of the area of Human-Computer Interaction. Students will learn how to design and develop interactive systems with user requirements in mind.
Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Basics of human perception, cognition, and motor system
  • Design of usable products
  • Basic design principles
  • Established input and output styles
  • Basic ideas of user-centered design
  • Techniques to evaluate interactive systems


At the end of this semester, you will know:

  • the basics of human information processing (perception, cognition, motor system, mental modells, and errors)
  • the basic rules of user interface design and you are able to apply establish interaction styles (e.g., commands, dialogs, direct manipulation, searching and browsing, interactive visualizations)
  • the basic ideas of the user-centered design lifecycle and you will know fundamental methods and techniques to design interactive systems (e.g., requirements engineering, sketching and prototyping, and evaluation techniques)
  • how to analyze and validate existing interactive systems
  • how to realize basic interaction design on your own
  • different use cases for selected types of interaction in the areas of e.g., graphical user interfaces (GUI), multi-touch interfaces, and mobile interaction

Exhibition Design. Interactive Media for Museums

Directed Studies, 6 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Interaktive Medien im Kontext von Raum, Licht, Sound und Grafik.

Im SS 2022 liegt der Fokus des Kooperationsprojektes Mediale Ausstellungsgestaltung auf den verschiedenen Parametern einer medial inszenierten Ausstellung. Fachlichen Input gibt es durch Vorträge der beteiligten Professoren (Architekt, Historiker, Informatiker) sowie von Licht- und Musikdesignern zu den Themen Inhalt, Objekt,  Kontextualisierung, Storytelling, Inszenierung, Raum, Parcours, Lichtdesign, Sounddesign, Grafikdesign und Interaction Design.


Das Seminar "Interaktive Medien im Kontext von Raum, Licht, Sound und Grafik" ist Teil 2 des viersemestrigen Kooperationsprojektes Mediale Ausstellungsgestaltung (MAG). Die Lehrveranstaltung findet ihre Fortsetzung im Wintersemester 2022/23 und im Sommersemester 2023 im Rahmen des Master-Projektes Design und Raum von Prof. Schlag durch die Gestaltung, Planung und anschließende Realisierung eines realen Ausstellungsprojektes im Turm zur Katz Konstanz inklusive Medienproduktion und Marketing.

Seminar Human-Computer Interaction

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

At the beginning of the semester, the current project topics for the semester are presented in the HCI Student Jour Fixe. After the selection of a topic in agreement with a supervising doctoral student, the work on the seminar can be started. The selected topic offers a question that should be addressed in the seminar. The work on the seminar paper is supposed to help students to familiarize themselves with the theoretical foundations and previous research results (state of the art) in regard to their topic. The seminar paper represents the preliminary theoretical work for the bachelor or master project (see also the lecture description of the bachelor or master project).


The participants are able to independently conduct a scientific literature research - including the independant search for relevant literature by themselves - and to scientifically document the gained knowledge. This includes the correct citation of scientific works. The participants practice giving scientific lectures and discussing them. This will prepare the participants methodically and contentwise for the bachelor or master project and their bachelor or master thesis.
The topic to be worked on is only partially framed for the seminar on the bachelor or master project. The participants will receive initial literature at the beginning. This literature is to be seen as a starting point for a deeper analysis. It is expected that the students search for further literature on their own and include it in their seminar paper in addition to the literature that was initially assigned to them.

Bachelor's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The student will be with working on a complex topic in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction, in most cases related to current research in the HCI group of Prof. Reiterer. They will start with elaborating a theoretical perspective on the topic, e.g. through intensive literature research (in combination with the project seminar). The second part of the project will focus on implementation and evaluation of prototypes.

In this weekly get-together, students are invited to present the current status of their seminar or project work. Informal discussions with all attendees will help to find thematic overlaps, possible technical solutions, and targeted guidance that help to proceed to the next step (e.g., from seminar to project). All students are asked to attend regularly and present their current status in a small presentation (ca. 10 min) three times per semester.


Scientific work (independent and in teamwork). The students will learn how to organize (Milestones, Meetings), conduct (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate (presentation, thesis) an ambitious project.

Master's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 8 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The master project builds on top of the work of the master seminar. The master project prepares for the writting of the master thesis and allows participants to practically solve a complex human-computer interaction problem. Two models exist:

  • The design-oriented project covers the conceptual design and the implementation of a novel interaction concept. The concepts (e.g. scenarios, personas, sketches, story boards) and their implementation are documented in the written project report.
  • The evaluation-oriented project consists in the conduction of a comprehensive evaluation study. The subject matter of the evaluation, the chosen evaluation setting, and the conduction (including a pilot study) are documented in the written project report.


Under guidance, the participants learn how to organize a challenging project (division, milestones, meetings), carry it out (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate it (presentations, documentation). The technical and conceptual complexity of the implementation/evaluation study is supposed to be appropriate to the master programme.

Bachelor's Project Extended Reality (XR)

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Extended Reality (XR) describes the range of “realities” that can be experienced when applying various degrees of augmentation through modern technologies. On the one end of the continuum is the real (non-augmented) world that we perceive around us, while at the other extreme lies immersive virtual reality (VR) where everything we experience is artificial. The latter may be achieved with a VR head-mounted display (HMD) like the HTC Vive or Steam Index. In between these two extremes are mixed reality (MR) technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality (AV). Popular technology supporting such experiences is the Microsoft Hololens 2, or AR smartphone applications.
Technological advances have led to the introduction of XR technologies in a wide variety of domains, from medicine to construction and manufacturing, education and entertainment, research etc. Yet, we are still in the early stages of adoption and the variety of current and prospective application scenarios generates a plethora of research challenges that need to be addressed. On the flip side, the emerging technologies and resulting experiences provide new opportunities for research of human cognitive processing and behavior.

In this project students will address a complex challenge that is related to ongoing research in the HCI group involving XR technology. The project builds on the concurrent Seminar Extended Reality (XR) (see description of seminar) and serves as preparation for writing the Bachelor thesis.
The first part of the project involves literature research to explore the state-of-the-art and establish a theoretical foundation. For the remainder of the project, the students will focus on achieving a practical solution, by implementing and evaluating an interactive XR prototype. The focus of the project may lie on interaction techniques, supporting XR technologies (e.g., tracking approaches or display technologies), or a particular application domain.

Students are expected to participate in the weekly HCI Student Jour Fixe, where they will be invited to present their project status at regular intervals. This meeting also offers opportunity for informal discussion of research topics and potential solutions to technical problems, as well as targeted guidance by the project supervisor. At the end of the semester, a final project presentation and a written project report must be delivered.

Further details about the structure of the seminar can be found in the Guidelines for the bachelor in "Interactive Systems" on the website of the HCI work group.


  • Students obtain knowledge about XR technologies (tracking and display technologies, 3D interaction techniques, etc.) and skills in development of XR systems (3D user interfaces, virtual avatars, multimodal feedback, user experience and embodiment, etc.).
  • Students establish strategies for successful planning (identification of critical features, definition of milestones) and execution (implementation, evaluation, documentation) of an ambitious project and practice presentation of their work.

Master's Project Extended Reality (XR)

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Extended Reality (XR) describes the range of “realities” that can be experienced when applying various degrees of augmentation through modern technologies. On the one end of the continuum is the real (non-augmented) world that we perceive around us, while at the other extreme lies immersive virtual reality (VR) where everything we experience is artificial. The latter may be achieved with a VR head-mounted display (HMD) like the HTC Vive or Steam Index. In between these two extremes are mixed reality (MR) technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality (AV). Popular technology supporting such experiences is the Microsoft Hololens 2, or AR smartphone applications.
Technological advances have led to the introduction of XR technologies in a wide variety of domains, from medicine to construction and manufacturing, education and entertainment, research etc. Yet, we are still in the early stages of adoption and the variety of current and prospective application scenarios generates a plethora of research challenges that need to be addressed. On the flip side, the emerging technologies and resulting experiences provide new opportunities for research of human cognitive processing and behavior.

In this project students will address a complex challenge that is related to ongoing research in the HCI group involving XR technology. The project builds on the concurrent Seminar Extended Reality (XR) (see description of seminar) and serves as preparation for writing the Master’s thesis.
The first part of the project involves literature research to explore the state-of-the-art and establish a theoretical foundation. For the remainder of the project, the students will focus on achieving a practical solution, by implementing and evaluating an advanced interactive XR prototype.
The focus of the project may lie on interaction techniques, supporting XR technologies (e.g., tracking approaches or display technologies), or a particular application domain.

Students are expected to participate in the weekly HCI Student Jour Fixe, where they will be invited to present their project status at regular intervals. This meeting also offers opportunity for informal discussion of research topics and potential solutions to technical problems, as well as targeted guidance by the project supervisor. At the end of the semester, a final project presentation and a written project report must be delivered.

Further details about the structure of the seminar can be found in the Guidelines for the Master in "Interactive Systems" on the website of the HCI work group.


  • Students obtain in-depth knowledge about XR technologies (tracking and display technologies, 3D interaction techniques, etc.) and advanced skills in the development of XR systems (3D user interfaces, virtual avatars, multimodal feedback, user experience and embodiment, etc.).
  • Students refine strategies for successful planning (identification of critical features, definition of milestones) and execution (implementation, evaluation, documentation) of an ambitious project and practice presentation of their work.

Winter Term 2021/2022

Agile UX Design

Lecture and Exercice, 6 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

This course is about an agile process for UX design, where UX is short for user experience, which includes usability, usefulness, emotional impact, and meaningfulness.
We present a process, method, and technique approach to overall UX design based on the UX lifecycle. The basic UX lifecycle activities we will cover include Understand Needs, Design Solutions, Prototype Candidates, and Evaluate UX.
It is a goal of this course to help students realize that UX design is an ongoing process throughout the full product or system life cycle, and that developing the UX design is not something to be done at the last minute, when the "rest of the system" is finished.


All in-class exercises are team activities. The in-class exercises go with the class lectures, and the description of each exercise is at the end of the lecture slides for the corresponding topic. Please be aware of the next in-class exercise coming up and be prepared for it, including preparing necessary materials.
If the use of physical materials is possible, we will provide part of the materials (e.g., whiteboards) and will tell you what else you may need to prepare in advance. We will also offer recommendations for digital tools that you can use to facilitate the conduct of the exercises.
The major work (and major credit) component for the course is the semester team-oriented UX design project. It involves defining, analyzing, specifying, designing, prototyping, and evaluating a UX design for a client that you select. The purpose of the project is to give you real-world exposure to all lifecycle activities involved in creating a significant UX design. The project assignments are described separately; see links in the course calendar.
The instructor will assign students to project teams, trying to balance knowledge, skills, and backgrounds, based on a demographic survey given the first day/week of class. All project activities, including writing the deliverables, are team activities. While some division of labor makes sense, you will learn the most by involving everyone in each activity.


The textbook for this course is The UX Book: Agile UX Design for a Quality User Experience, 2nd ed. by Hartson and Pyla, Morgan Kauffman, 2019. This book is tailored specifically for this course.
For your reference, we will provide a pdf version of the class lecture slides. This is the major source of content and discussion for the course. You have our permission to print a copy of your personal use. We recommend printing a copy when taking part in the class to take notes.

Future Challenges and Trends in HCI

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The Historical CHI Video Project provides insights into early prototypes of e.g., virtual reality applications, tablets, or smartwatches as part of the technical video programs of the CHI conferences from 1983 to 2002. From today's perspective, it is interesting to see how early these technologies have been conceptualized. Watching the videos is a bit like traveling back in time: Bulky computers, VHS-quality, and funny hair cuts. "If you want to know the future, look at the past" (Albert Einstein) - let's take that quote as a foundation of this directed study course: Based on selected videos and papers, you will understand the roots of current and future interaction techniques, interactive visualizations, or different input and output devices. As part of your duties, you will engage yourself with your topic, see how this early research inspired later and future interactive systems, prepare and present its core concepts, and either summarize your results in a term paper or implement a prototype using current hardware.


The basic learning objective is to address, prepare, and present a research area of HCI. All provided topics are based on the treasure chamber of the Historical CHI Video Project. In addition to one or more videos, you will be given basic literature (e.g., papers) for your individual topic. This is your foundation to an abundance of possibilities - to name but a few: You can shed light on historical trends, investigate early research that found its way into today's consumer products, or re-implement interaction techniques using our latest head-mounted augmented reality devices.

Research Methods in HCI

Lecture, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Evaluation serves the purpose to recognize usability problems early in the development phase of interactive products and develop ideas for improvement. There is a broad spectrum of techniques and methods available (e.g. observation, usability tests, surveys, etc.), which differ in many terms, such as when to apply during the development process or whether to include end-users or experts and thereby provide results for different purposes.

During the theoretical part of the lecture, students will learn about the different basic methods and techniques. This includes the design and conduction of interviews, focus groups, usability tests, and inspection methods.

Another goal of the lecture is to guide students in conducting experimental user studies as advanced research methods. The lecture covers the whys and hows of conducting good experiments in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) covering both quantitative and qualitative practices. Students will learn how to build on existing work in formulating their research questions and devising hypotheses. In addition, the lecture addresses how to perform the data collection and select analysis methods that provide evidence for conclusions. Also, students learn how to narrate findings and deal with alternative explanations for results.

During the practical part of the lecture, students will work on a small project in groups. They will have to conduct a study and apply the learned methods to evaluate an interactive product. This allows them to gain first hands-on experiences and also use our usability lab.


At the end of this lecture, students will know
...basic evaluation methods and techniques of interactive products with regards to usability and user experience to deduce change requirements and re-design recommendations to develop and define research questions and hypotheses in HCI 
...the crucial components of successful study designs to run experiments
...the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative data acquisition to analyze quantitative and qualitative data
...pitfalls and tips for successful report writing

Seminar Human-Computer Interaction

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

At the beginning of the semester, the current project topics for the semester are presented in the HCI Student Jour Fixe. After the selection of a topic in agreement with a supervising doctoral student, the work on the seminar can be started. The selected topic offers a question that should be addressed in the seminar. The work on the seminar paper is supposed to help students to familiarize themselves with the theoretical foundations and previous research results (state of the art) in regard to their topic. The seminar paper represents the preliminary theoretical work for the bachelor or master project (see also the lecture description of the bachelor or master project).


The participants are able to independently conduct a scientific literature research - including the independant search for relevant literature by themselves - and to scientifically document the gained knowledge. This includes the correct citation of scientific works. The participants practice giving scientific lectures and discussing them. This will prepare the participants methodically and contentwise for the bachelor or master project and their bachelor or master thesis.
The topic to be worked on is only partially framed for the seminar on the bachelor or master project. The participants will receive initial literature at the beginning. This literature is to be seen as a starting point for a deeper analysis. It is expected that the students search for further literature on their own and include it in their seminar paper in addition to the literature that was initially assigned to them.

Bachelor's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The student will be with working on a complex topic in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction, in most cases related to current research in the HCI group of Prof. Reiterer. They will start with elaborating a theoretical perspective on the topic, e.g. through intensive literature research (in combination with the project seminar). The second part of the project will focus on implementation and evaluation of prototypes.

In this weekly get-together, students are invited to present the current status of their seminar or project work. Informal discussions with all attendees will help to find thematic overlaps, possible technical solutions, and targeted guidance that help to proceed to the next step (e.g., from seminar to project). All students are asked to attend regularly and present their current status in a small presentation (ca. 10 min) three times per semester.


Scientific work (independent and in teamwork). The students will learn how to organize (Milestones, Meetings), conduct (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate (presentation, thesis) an ambitious project.

Master's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 8 or 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

The master project builds on top of the work of the master seminar. The master project prepares for the writting of the master thesis and allows participants to practically solve a complex human-computer interaction problem. Two models exist:

  • The design-oriented project covers the conceptual design and the implementation of a novel interaction concept. The concepts (e.g. scenarios, personas, sketches, story boards) and their implementation are documented in the written project report.
  • The evaluation-oriented project consists in the conduction of a comprehensive evaluation study. The subject matter of the evaluation, the chosen evaluation setting, and the conduction (including a pilot study) are documented in the written project report.


Under guidance, the participants learn how to organize a challenging project (division, milestones, meetings), carry it out (implementation, evaluation, documentation) and communicate it (presentations, documentation). The technical and conceptual complexity of the implementation/evaluation study is supposed to be appropriate to the master programme.

Seminar Extended Reality (XR)

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Extended Reality (XR) describes the range of “realities” that can be experienced when applying various degrees of augmentation through modern technologies. On the one end of the continuum is the real (non-augmented) world that we perceive around us, while at the other extreme lies immersive virtual reality (VR) where everything we experience is artificial. The latter may be achieved with a VR head-mounted display (HMD) like the HTC Vive or Steam Index. In between these two extremes are mixed reality (MR) technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality (AV). Popular technology supporting such experiences is the Microsoft Hololens 2, or AR smartphone applications. Technological advances have led to the introduction of XR technologies in a wide variety of domains, from medicine to construction and manufacturing, education and entertainment, research etc. Yet, we are still in the early stages of adoption and the variety of current and prospective application scenarios generates a plethora of research challenges that need to be addressed. On the flip side, the emerging technologies and resulting experiences provide new opportunities for research of human cognitive processing and behavior.

This seminar for both bachelor and master students covers topics along the entire continuum of this reality-virtuality continuum and the respective enabling technologies. All students in this seminar are invited to join the HCI Student Jour Fixe, where available topics are presented at the beginning of the semester. Each student will select one topic, which they will explore through literature research. Within this topic a particular question should be addressed throughout the seminar that will lead the student to gain knowledge about current research challenges, state-of-the-art solutions, and underlying theoretical foundations. Each student with present their work through a written seminar paper, which should form the theoretical basis for their bachelor or master project.

Further details about the structure of the seminar can be found in the Guidelines for the bachelor/master in "Interactive Systems" on the website of the HCI work group.


  • Students develop strategies for independently conducting a successful literature research. They practice to identify critical search terms and refinement criteria, methodologically analyze scientific papers and concisely summarize and present gained knowledge.
  • Students expand their skills in scientific writing, including the concise formulation of key challenges and central contributions, accurate description and comparison of results, and correct citation of related work.
  • Students gain (in-depth) theoretical domain knowledge relating to XR technologies, with focus on their particular topic.
  • Exercises in scientific writing and discussion allows students to establish a theoretical foundation and methodology for the bachelor and master project and thesis.

Bachelor's Project Extended Reality (XR)

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Extended Reality (XR) describes the range of “realities” that can be experienced when applying various degrees of augmentation through modern technologies. On the one end of the continuum is the real (non-augmented) world that we perceive around us, while at the other extreme lies immersive virtual reality (VR) where everything we experience is artificial. The latter may be achieved with a VR head-mounted display (HMD) like the HTC Vive or Steam Index. In between these two extremes are mixed reality (MR) technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality (AV). Popular technology supporting such experiences is the Microsoft Hololens 2, or AR smartphone applications.
Technological advances have led to the introduction of XR technologies in a wide variety of domains, from medicine to construction and manufacturing, education and entertainment, research etc. Yet, we are still in the early stages of adoption and the variety of current and prospective application scenarios generates a plethora of research challenges that need to be addressed. On the flip side, the emerging technologies and resulting experiences provide new opportunities for research of human cognitive processing and behavior.

In this project students will address a complex challenge that is related to ongoing research in the HCI group involving XR technology. The project builds on the concurrent Seminar Extended Reality (XR) (see description of seminar) and serves as preparation for writing the Bachelor thesis.
The first part of the project involves literature research to explore the state-of-the-art and establish a theoretical foundation. For the remainder of the project, the students will focus on achieving a practical solution, by implementing and evaluating an interactive XR prototype. The focus of the project may lie on interaction techniques, supporting XR technologies (e.g., tracking approaches or display technologies), or a particular application domain.

Students are expected to participate in the weekly HCI Student Jour Fixe, where they will be invited to present their project status at regular intervals. This meeting also offers opportunity for informal discussion of research topics and potential solutions to technical problems, as well as targeted guidance by the project supervisor. At the end of the semester, a final project presentation and a written project report must be delivered.

Further details about the structure of the seminar can be found in the Guidelines for the bachelor in "Interactive Systems" on the website of the HCI work group.


  • Students obtain knowledge about XR technologies (tracking and display technologies, 3D interaction techniques, etc.) and skills in development of XR systems (3D user interfaces, virtual avatars, multimodal feedback, user experience and embodiment, etc.).
  • Students establish strategies for successful planning (identification of critical features, definition of milestones) and execution (implementation, evaluation, documentation) of an ambitious project and practice presentation of their work.

Master's Project Extended Reality (XR)

Project, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Extended Reality (XR) describes the range of “realities” that can be experienced when applying various degrees of augmentation through modern technologies. On the one end of the continuum is the real (non-augmented) world that we perceive around us, while at the other extreme lies immersive virtual reality (VR) where everything we experience is artificial. The latter may be achieved with a VR head-mounted display (HMD) like the HTC Vive or Steam Index. In between these two extremes are mixed reality (MR) technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) and augmented virtuality (AV). Popular technology supporting such experiences is the Microsoft Hololens 2, or AR smartphone applications.
Technological advances have led to the introduction of XR technologies in a wide variety of domains, from medicine to construction and manufacturing, education and entertainment, research etc. Yet, we are still in the early stages of adoption and the variety of current and prospective application scenarios generates a plethora of research challenges that need to be addressed. On the flip side, the emerging technologies and resulting experiences provide new opportunities for research of human cognitive processing and behavior.

In this project students will address a complex challenge that is related to ongoing research in the HCI group involving XR technology. The project builds on the concurrent Seminar Extended Reality (XR) (see description of seminar) and serves as preparation for writing the Master’s thesis.
The first part of the project involves literature research to explore the state-of-the-art and establish a theoretical foundation. For the remainder of the project, the students will focus on achieving a practical solution, by implementing and evaluating an advanced interactive XR prototype.
The focus of the project may lie on interaction techniques, supporting XR technologies (e.g., tracking approaches or display technologies), or a particular application domain.

Students are expected to participate in the weekly HCI Student Jour Fixe, where they will be invited to present their project status at regular intervals. This meeting also offers opportunity for informal discussion of research topics and potential solutions to technical problems, as well as targeted guidance by the project supervisor. At the end of the semester, a final project presentation and a written project report must be delivered.

Further details about the structure of the seminar can be found in the Guidelines for the Master in "Interactive Systems" on the website of the HCI work group.


  • Students obtain in-depth knowledge about XR technologies (tracking and display technologies, 3D interaction techniques, etc.) and advanced skills in the development of XR systems (3D user interfaces, virtual avatars, multimodal feedback, user experience and embodiment, etc.).
  • Students refine strategies for successful planning (identification of critical features, definition of milestones) and execution (implementation, evaluation, documentation) of an ambitious project and practice presentation of their work.

Summer Term 2021

Interactive Systems

Lecture, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Interactive Systems will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the goals and research questions of the area of Human-Computer Interaction. Students will learn how to design and develop interactive systems with user requirements in mind.
Topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Basics of human perception, cognition, and motor system
  • Design of usable products
  • Basic design principles
  • Established input and output styles
  • Basic ideas of user-centered design
  • Techniques to evaluate interactive systems


At the end of this semester, you will know:

  • the basics of human information processing (perception, cognition, motor system, mental modells, and errors)
  • the basic rules of user interface design and you are able to apply establish interaction styles (e.g., commands, dialogs, direct manipulation, searching and browsing, interactive visualizations)
  • the basic ideas of the user-centered design lifecycle and you will know fundamental methods and techniques to design interactive systems (e.g., requirements engineering, sketching and prototyping, and evaluation techniques)
  • how to analyze and validate existing interactive systems
  • how to realize basic interaction design on your own
  • different use cases for selected types of interaction in the areas of e.g., graphical user interfaces (GUI), multi-touch interfaces, and mobile interaction

Realisierung einer Ausstellung

Directed Studies, 6/9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS


Innerhalb dieser Veranstaltung wird das Konzept der Ausstellung "Stayin Alive: Mit Seuchen Leben (Arbeitstitel)" realisiert. Das Konzept wurde im Wintersemester 2020/2021 von Studenten der Uni Konstanz, der HTWG Konstanz und der HFM Trossingen entwickelt. Dieser Kurs ist als Fortsetzung des Kurses aus dem Wintersemester zu sehen, ein Einstieg in diesen Teil ist aber möglich.
Die Studenten setzen innovative Techniken der Mensch-Computer Interaktion sowie der Darstellung von Informationen in die Praxis um.


Mit dem hochaktuellen Thema "Pandemien" soll  die Ausstellung insbesondere  die gesellschaftlichen Antworten und die Bewältigungsstrategien der historischen Akteure epochenübergreifend von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart in den Blick nehmen. Der Fokus bei der Vermittlung liegt dabei auf einer multimedialen und interaktiven Präsentation der Inhalte. Durch das Zusammenspiel der verschiedenen Fachrichtungen soll eine szenografische Ausstellung entstehen, die die Besucher inhaltlich und ästhetisch ansprechen und überraschen soll.

Interaction in Mixed Reality Spaces

Vorlesung/Praktikum, 9 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

“Interaction in Mixed Reality Spaces” is a lecture designed for students in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction or Interactive Systems. This lecture consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part of the lecture, students will gain a deeper understanding in Mixed Reality (MR) technologies, their characteristics, the process of MR interface design, and possible use cases. For example, students will  learn about 3D Object Manipulation and Navigation in 3D Spaces and how MR applications can support manipulation and navigation related tasks. In the practical part students will apply what they learn by completing assignments and a team project. For the team project, students will work with state-of-the-art devices like the Oculus Quest 2, the Microsoft Hololens, tablets, and smartphones to gain practical experiences in the development of MR applications (it is currently planed to mainly lend Quest 2 and Hololens devices to students for the practical part). From the software side, students will work with Unity 3D (


In this course you will

  • gain a deeper understanding in Mixed Reality Spaces as an Interaction Paradigm
  • get to know application domains that can benefit from Mixed Reality Interaction
  • learn how to design Mixed Reality Experience
  • gain practical skill considering the design and implementation of mixed reality applications (including practical skills in Unity 3D development)


  • 3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice (Doug A. Bowman; Ernst Kruijff; Joseph J. LaViola Jr.; Ivan Poupyrev), 2nd Edition
  • A Survey of Augmented Reality (Gun Lee, Adrian Clark, Mark Billinghurst)
  • Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice (Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Höllerer)
  • Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook (Saul Greenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale, Nicolai Marquardt, Bill Buxton)


Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS


  • Projekt strukturieren
  • Projekt planen
  • Projekt bewerten
  • Projektstatus berichten
  • Projektänderungen managen
  • Projekt abschließen
  • Rollen anhand eines konkreten, durchgängigen Fallbeispieles durchspielen
  • Feedback vom Trainer sowie von den Teilnehmern inkl. zu Soft Skills erhalten


  • Gute Projektabgrenzung mit Schwerpunkt auf die Projektstrukturierung und –planung durchführen
  • Projekt bewerten, -status effizient berichten
  • Projektänderungen managen
  • Projekt abschließen
  • Zusammenarbeit im Team und mit dem Auftraggeber mittels Rollenspielen (Auftraggeber-, Projektteam-, Projektleiter-, Beobachterrollen) verstehen.
  • Hinweise zur Verbesserung der individuellen Soft Skills erhalten


  • A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) - Fourth Edition, 2008
  • Gerold Patzak (Autor), Günter Rattay (Autor): Projektmanagement: Leitfaden zum Management von Projekten, Projektportfolios und projektorientierten Unternehmen, 12.2008
  • Bruno Jenny: Projektmanagement: Das Wissen für den Profi, vdf, 12.2009
  • Pascal Mangold: IT- Projektmanagement kompakt, 129 Seiten - Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 9.2009
  • Burkhard Klose: Projektabwicklung: Arbeitshilfen, Fallbeispiele und Checklisten im Projektmanagement, 11.2008
  • PMI - Project Management Institute (US),
  • Association for Project Management (UK),
  • GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement,
  • Project Manager Today,
  • Project World,
  • PM Forum,

Bachelor-Seminar Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Seminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS


Zu Beginn des Semesters werden im Rahmen des HCI Student Jour Fixe die für das Semester aktuellen Projektthemen vorgestellt. Nach Auswahl eines Themas in Absprache mit dem betreuenden Doktoranden, beginnt die Arbeit an dem Seminar. Das gewählte Thema bietet eine Fragestellung, welche im Rahmen des Seminars bearbeitet werden soll. Die Seminararbeit dient dazu sich in die theoretischen Grundlagen und bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse (State of the Art) der Themenstellung einzuarbeiten. Die Arbeit am Seminar stellt die theoretische Vorarbeit für das Bachelor-Projekt dar (siehe auch Vorlesungsbeschreibung zum Bachelor-Projekt).
Der Präsenzteil der Veranstaltung wird durch die Teilnahme am HCI Student Jour Fixe widergespiegelt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine interaktive Veranstaltung. In wöchentlichen Treffen im Rahmen des HCI Student Jour Fixe sind alle Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen dazu eingeladen bei Unklarheiten Fragen zu stellen. Informelle Diskussionen mit allen Teilnehmern und Teilnehmerinnen helfen dabei thematische Überlappungen zu identifizieren, gemeinsam mögliche Lösungen für Probleme zu finden und die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen gezielt in Ihren nächsten Arbeitsschritten zu unterstützen. Alle Studierenden die das Bachelor-Seminar belegt haben sind aufgefordert regelmäßig am HCI Student Jour Fixe teilzunehmen und mehrmals pro Semester in einer kurzen Statuspräsentation (ca. 10 min) ihren aktuellen Arbeitsstand vorzustellen.
Da das Seminar zur theoretischen Vorbereitung auf das Bachelor-Projekt dient, sind die Themen inhaltlich auf das Bachelor-Projekt abgestimmt. Das gewählte Thema wird im Rahmen des Seminars als wissenschaftlicher Vortrag vorbereitet und gehalten. Darüber hinaus wird eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung des Themas verlangt. Dazu erhalten die Studierenden Anleitung im wissenschaftlichen Schreiben.


Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen sind in der Lage selbstständig eine wissenschaftliche Analyse von gegebenen Arbeiten durchzuführen und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren. Das schließt die korrekte Zitierweise von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten mit ein. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen üben das Halten von wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen und deren Diskussion. Dadurch werden die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen methodisch und inhaltlich auf das Bachelor-Projekt und Ihre Bachelor-Thesis vorbereitet.
Das zu bearbeitende Thema wird für ein Seminar zum Bachelor-Projekt eng eingegrenzt. Die Teilnehmer erhalten zu Beginn initiale Literatur. Es ist zwingend erforderlich, dass die Teilnehmer sich mit der initialen Literatur auseinandersetzen und diese detailliert analysieren und in Ihre Seminararbeit einfließen lassen. Abseits davon, wird es begrüßt, wenn die Studierenden selbstständig nach weiterführender Literatur suchen und diese zusätzlich zur initial an Sie vergebenen Literatur in ihre Seminararbeit einfließen lassen.

Bachelor-Projekt Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Projekt, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description

Das Projekt baut auf das Bachelorseminar auf. Es bereitet auf das Schreiben der Bachelorarbeit vor und ermöglicht es Teilnehmern eine komplexe Themenstellung der Mensch-Computer Interaktion praktisch zu lösen. Es gibt zwei mögliche Modelle:

  • Das designorientierte Projekt umfasst die Konzeption und Implementierung eines neuen Interaktionskonzeptes. Die Konzepte (z.B. Szenarien, Personas, Sketches, Story Boards) und technische Umsetzung (z.B. Implementierung, verwendete Algorithmen) werden im Projektbericht beschrieben.
  • Das evaluationsorientierte Projekt hat die Durchführung einer umfassenden Evaluationsstudie zum Gegenstand. Der Evaluationsgegenstand, das gewählte Evaluationssetting, die Durchführung inkl. der Pilotstudie sind dann Gegenstand des Berichtes.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.


Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen lernen unter Anleitung, ein anspruchsvolles Projekt zu organisieren (Aufteilung, Meilensteine, Besprechungen), durchzuführen (Implementation, Evaluation, Dokumentation) und zu kommunizieren (Präsentationen, wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit).

Master's Seminar Human-Computer Interaction

Seminar, 3 ECTS

Details in ZEUS


Zu Beginn des Semesters werden im Rahmen des HCI Student Jour Fixe die für das Semester aktuellen Projektthemen vorgestellt. Nach Auswahl eines Themas in Absprache mit dem betreuenden Doktoranden, beginnt die Arbeit an dem Seminar. Das gewählte Thema bietet eine Fragestellung, welche im Rahmen des Seminars bearbeitet werden soll. Die Seminararbeit dient dazu sich in die theoretischen Grundlagen und bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse (State of the Art) der Themenstellung einzuarbeiten. Die Arbeit am Seminar stellt die theoretische Vorarbeit für das Master-Projekt dar (siehe auch Vorlesungsbeschreibung zum Master-Projekt).
Der Präsenzteil der Veranstaltung wird durch die Teilnahme am HCI Student Jour Fixe widergespiegelt. Es handelt sich dabei um eine interaktive Veranstaltung. In wöchentlichen Treffen im Rahmen des HCI Student Jour Fixe sind alle Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen dazu eingeladen bei Unklarheiten Fragen zu stellen. Informelle Diskussionen mit allen Teilnehmern und Teilnehmerinnen helfen dabei thematische Überlappungen zu identifizieren, gemeinsam mögliche Lösungen für Probleme zu finden und die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen gezielt in Ihren nächsten Arbeitsschritten zu unterstützen. Alle Studierenden die das Master-Seminar belegt haben sind aufgefordert regelmäßig am HCI Student Jour Fixe teilzunehmen und mehrmals pro Semester in einer kurzen Statuspräsentation (ca. 10 min) ihren aktuellen Arbeitsstand vorzustellen.
Da das Seminar zur theoretischen Vorbereitung auf das Master-Projekt dient, sind die Themen inhaltlich auf das Master-Projekt abgestimmt. Das gewählte Thema wird im Rahmen des Seminars als wissenschaftlicher Vortrag vorbereitet und gehalten. Darüber hinaus wird eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung des Themas verlangt. Dazu erhalten die Studierenden Anleitung im wissenschaftlichen Schreiben.


Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen sind in der Lage selbstständig eine wissenschaftliche Literraturrechere - inklusive der eigenständigen Suche nach relevanten Arbeiten - durchzuführen und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren. Das schließt die korrekte Zitierweise von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten mit ein. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen üben das Halten von wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen und deren Diskussion. Dadurch werden die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen methodisch und inhaltlich auf das Master-Projekt und Ihre Master-Thesis vorbereitet.
Das zu bearbeitende Thema wird für ein Seminar zum Master-Projekt, nur teilweise eingegrenzt. Die Teilnehmer erhalten zu Beginn initiale Literatur. Diese Literatur ist als Ausganspunkt für eine tiefergehende Analyse zu sehen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Studierenden selbstständig nach weiterführender Literatur suchen und diese zusätzlich zur initial an Sie vergebenen Literatur in ihre Seminararbeit einfließen lassen.

Master's Project Human-Computer Interaction

Project, 8/9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS


Das Projekt baut auf das Masterseminar auf. Es bereitet auf das Schreiben der Masterarbeit vor und erfordert es von den Teilnehmern eine komplexe Themenstellung der Mensch-Computer Interaktion praktisch zu lösen. Es gibt zwei mögliche Modelle:

  • Das designorientierte Projekt umfasst die Konzeption und Implementierung eines neuen Interaktionskonzeptes. Die Konzepte (z.B. Szenarien, Personas, Sketches, Story Boards) und technische Umsetzung (z.B. Implementierung, verwendete Algorithmen) werden im Projektbericht beschrieben.
  • Das evaluationsorientierte Projekt hat die Durchführung einer umfassenden Evaluationsstudie zum Gegenstand. Der Evaluationsgegenstand, das gewählte Evaluationssetting, die Durchführung inkl. der Pilotstudie sind dann Gegenstand des Berichtes.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.


Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen lernen unter Anleitung, ein anspruchsvolles Projekt zu organisieren (Aufteilung, Meilensteine, Besprechungen), durchzuführen (Implementation, Evaluation, Dokumentation) und zu kommunizieren (Präsentationen, wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit).

Winter Term 2020/2021

Agile UX Design

Vorlesung und Übung, 6 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description
This course is about an agile process for UX design, where UX is short for user experience, which includes usability, usefulness, emotional impact, and meaningfulness.
We present a process, method, and technique approach to overall UX design based on the UX lifecycle. The basic UX lifecycle activities we will cover include Understand Needs, Design Solutions, Prototype Candidates, and Evaluate UX.

The major work (and major credit) component for the course is the semester team-oriented UX design project. It involves defining, analyzing, specifying, designing, prototyping, and evaluating a UX design for a client that you select. The purpose of the project is to give you real-world exposure to all lifecycle activities involved in creating a significant UX design.


  • The UX Book: Agile UX Design for a Quality User Experience, 2nd ed. by Hartson and Pyla, Morgan Kauffman, 2019. This book is tailored specifically for this course.

Experiments in Human-Computer Interaction

Directed Studies, 6 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description
Experiments in HCI is a directed studies course designed for master students in the domain of Human-Compputer Interaction. Goal of the seminar is to guide students in conducting experimental user studies as part of their thesis. The course covers the whys and hows of conducting experiments in HCI covering both, quantitative and qualitative practices. Students will learn how to build on exisiting work in formulating their research questions and devising hypotheses. In addition, this course addresses how to perform the data collection and select analysis methods that provide evidence for conclusion. Also, students learn how to narrate findings and deal with alternative explanations for results. Based on a carefully selected reading list comprised of theoretical information about experiments, best-practice materials, and good examples, students present their own experiments and get detailed feedback on it. Additionnally, we will summarize the lessons learned to generate hand-on take-home messages.


At the end of this course, students will know

  • how to develop and define research questions and hypotheses in HCI
  • the crucial components of successfull study designs
  • how to run experiments
  • the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative data acquisition
  • how to analyse quantitative and qualitative data
  • pitfalls and tips for successful report writing

At the end of this course, students will be able

  • to define a clear research goal for their thesis
  • chooses applicable tasks, metrics and measurements for their experiment
  • set up a study setting and conduct the experiment
  • successfully analyse and report the results


  • Hornbæk, K. (2013). Some whys and hows of experiments in human–computer interaction. Foundations and Trends® in Human–Computer Interaction, 5(4), 299-373.
  • Lazar, J., Feng, J. H., & Hochheiser, H. (2017). Research methods in human-computer interaction. Morgan Kaufmann.
  • Cairns, P., & Cox, A. L. (Eds.). (2008). Research methods for human-computer interaction (Vol. 12). New York (NY): Cambridge University Press

Konzeption einer Ausstellung

Directed Studies, 6 bzw. 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description
Die interdisziplinäre Lehrveranstaltung ist Teil des viersemestrigen Studienmoduls Mediale Ausstellungsgestaltung (MAG) und bündelt die an beiden Hochschulen (HTWG Konstanz & Universität Konstanz) vorhandenen Kompetenzen von Historikern, Medientechnikern und -gestaltern, Informatikern, Architekten und Kommunikationsdesignern in einzigartiger Weise. Studenten der verschiedenen Fachbereiche erhalten die Gelegenheit, gemeinsam in interdisziplinären Gruppen an anspruchsvollen Projekten zusammen zu arbeiten und technisch und gestalterisch neue Ansätze zu entwickeln. Von Seiten der Informatik geht es dabei insbesondere um die Konzeption interaktiver Exponate, die das Ausstellungsthema unter Einsatz aktueller Technolgien (z.B. AR/VR) greifbar machen sollen.
Das geplante Ausstellungsthema für das im Rahmen des Kurses ein Ausstellung konzipiert werden soll ist „Pest und Cholera. Epidemien und ihre Folgen“.

Die als ein Kooperationsprojekt der beteiligten Fächer und Studiengänge angelegte Veranstaltung zielt darauf ab, ein inhaltlich kohärentes Ausstellungsnarrativ unter Rekurs auf die unterschiedlichen Parameter medialer Ausstellungsinszenierung zu entwickeln und in Form eines ansprechenden gestalterischen Gesamtkonzepts zu umzusetzen. Dazu gibt es Vorlesungseinheiten von den Professoren und Dozenten der verschiedenen Fachbereiche.


Webseite des Kooperationsprojekts:

Bisher im Rahmen des Kooperationsprojektes realisierte Ausstellungen:

Literatur zum Ausstellungsthema:

  • M. Meier (Hg.), Pest. Die Geschichte eines Menschheitstraumas, Stuttgart 2005
  • D. Herlihy/S. K. Cohn (Hgg.), The Black Death and the Transformation of the West, Cambridge, Mass. 1997
  • P. Sarasin, "Anthrax". Bioterror als Phantasma, Frankfurt a. M. 2004

Bachelor-Seminar Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Projektseminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Am Anfang des Seminars werden Themen an die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen ausgegeben. Da das Seminar zur theoretischen Vorbereitung auf das Bachelor-Projekt dient, sind die Themen inhaltlich auf das Bachelor-Projekt abgestimmt. Das gewählte Thema wird im Rahmen des Seminars als wissenschaftlicher Vortrag vorbereitet und gehalten. Darüber hinaus wird eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung des Themas verlangt. Dazu erhalten die Studierenden Anleitung im wissenschaftlichen Schreiben. Außerdem stellen die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen sind in der Lage selbstständig eine wissenschaftliche Literaturrecherche durchzuführen und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren. Das schließt die korrekte Zitierweise von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten mit ein. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen üben das Halten von wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen und deren Diskussion. Dadurch werden die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen methodisch und inhaltlich auf das Bachelorprojekt und Ihre Bacherlorarbeit vorbereitet. 

Bachelor-Projekt Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Projekt, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Das Projekt baut auf das Bachelorseminar auf. Es bereitet auf das Schreiben der Bachelorarbeit vor und ermöglicht es Teilnehmern eine komplexe Themenstellung der Mensch-Computer Interaktion praktisch zu lösen. Es gibt zwei mögliche Modelle:

  • Das designorientierte Projekt umfasst die Konzeption und Implementierung eines neuen Interaktionskonzeptes. Die Konzepte (z.B. Szenarien, Personas, Sketches, Story Boards) und technische Umsetzung (z.B. Implementierung, verwendete Algorithmen) werden im Projektbericht beschrieben.
  • Das evaluationsorientierte Projekt hat die Durchführung einer umfassenden Evaluationsstudie zum Gegenstand. Der Evaluationsgegenstand, das gewählte Evaluationssetting, die Durchführung inkl. der Pilotstudie sind dann Gegenstand des Berichtes.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen lernen unter Anleitung, ein anspruchsvolles Projekt zu organisieren (Aufteilung, Meilensteine, Besprechungen), durchzuführen (Implementation, Evaluation, Dokumentation) und zu kommunizieren (Präsentationen, wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit).

Seminar zum Master-Projekt Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Projektseminar, 3 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Am Anfang des Seminars werden Themen an die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen ausgegeben. Da das Seminar zur theoretischen Vorbereitung auf das Master-Projekt dient, sind die Themen inhaltlich auf das Master-Projekt abgestimmt. Das gewählte Thema wird im Rahmen des Seminars als wissenschaftlicher Vortrag vorbereitet und gehalten. Darüber hinaus wird eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung des Themas verlangt. Dazu erhalten die Studierenden Anleitung im wissenschaftlichen Schreiben. Außerdem stellen die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen sind in der Lage selbstständig eine wissenschaftliche Literaturrecherche durchzuführen und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren. Das schließt die korrekte Zitierweise von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten mit ein. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen üben das Halten von wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen und deren Diskussion. Dadurch werden die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen methodisch und inhaltlich auf das Masterprojekt und Ihre Masterarbeit vorbereitet. 

Master-Projekt Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Projekt, 9 ETCS

Details in ZEUS

Das Projekt baut auf das Masterseminar auf. Es bereitet auf das Schreiben der Masterarbeit vor und erfordert es von den Teilnehmern eine komplexe Themenstellung der Mensch-Computer Interaktion praktisch zu lösen. Es gibt zwei mögliche Modelle:

  • Das designorientierte Projekt umfasst die Konzeption und Implementierung eines neuen Interaktionskonzeptes. Die Konzepte (z.B. Szenarien, Personas, Sketches, Story Boards) und technische Umsetzung (z.B. Implementierung, verwendete Algorithmen) werden im Projektbericht beschrieben.
  • Das evaluationsorientierte Projekt hat die Durchführung einer umfassenden Evaluationsstudie zum Gegenstand. Der Evaluationsgegenstand, das gewählte Evaluationssetting, die Durchführung inkl. der Pilotstudie sind dann Gegenstand des Berichtes.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen lernen unter Anleitung, ein anspruchsvolles Projekt zu organisieren (Aufteilung, Meilensteine, Besprechungen), durchzuführen (Implementation, Evaluation, Dokumentation) und zu kommunizieren (Präsentationen, wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit).

Summer Term 2020

Interaction in Mixed Reality Spaces

Vorlesung/Praktikum, 9 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description
“Interaction in Mixed Reality Spaces” is a lecture designed for students in the domain of Human-Computer Interaction or Interactive Systems. In the lecture students will gain a deeper understanding in Mixed Reality (MR) technologies, their characteristics, the process of MR interface design, and possible use cases.

In this course you will

  • gain a deeper understanding in Mixed Reality Spaces as an Interaction Paradigm
  • get to know application domains that can benefit from Mixed Reality Interaction
  • learn how to design Mixed Reality Experience
  • gain practical skill considering the design and implementation of mixed reality applications (including practical skills in Unity 3D development)


  • ​​​​​​​3D User Interfaces: Theory and Practice (Doug A. Bowman; Ernst Kruijff; Joseph J. LaViola Jr.; Ivan Poupyrev), 2nd Edition
  • A Survey of Augmented Reality (Gun Lee, Adrian Clark, Mark Billinghurst)
  • Augmented Reality: Principles and Practice (Dieter Schmalstieg, Tobias Höllerer)
  • Sketching User Experiences: The Workbook (Saul Greenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale, Nicolai Marquardt, Bill Buxton)

Interactive Systems

Vorlesung und Übung, 6 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Short Description
In Interactive Systems wird ein umfassender Überblick über die Ziele und Forschungsfragen der Disziplin Mensch-Computer-Interaktion gegeben. Die Studierenden erhalten ein Grundverständnis, wie man interaktive Systeme unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Benutzeranforderungen entwickeln kann.


  • Sie haben Grundlagen der menschlichen Informationsverarbeitung (Wahrnehmung, Kognition, Motorik, Mentale Modelle und Fehler) kennen gelernt.
  • Sie haben Grundregeln der User Interface Gestaltung kennen gelernt und können diese auf etablierte Interaktionsstile (Kommandos, Dialoge, Direkte Manipulation, Suchen und Browsen, interaktive Visualisierungen) anwenden.
  • Sie sind mit den Grundideen des User Centered Design vertraut und kennen grundlegende Methoden und Techniken zur Entwicklung interaktiver Systeme (z.B. Erheben von Benutzeranforderungen, Erstellen von Skizzen und Prototypen, Evaluationstechniken).
  • Sie können existierende interaktive Systeme analysieren und bewerten.
  • Sie sind in der Lage, grundlegende Interaktionsdesigns selbständig zu realisieren.
  • Sie kennen verschiedene Einsatzformen ausgewählter Interaktionsformen im Bereich GUIs, WWW, Multitouch Oberflächen und mobile Interaktion.


  • Butz A., Krüger A.: Mensch-Maschine Interaktion, (2., erweiterte Auflage), Oldenburg, 2017
  • Preim, B., Dachselt, R.: Interaktive Systeme - Band 1, (2. Auflage), Springer Verlag, 2010
  • Richter, M., Flückiger, M. D.: Usability Engineering kompakt: Benutzbare Software entwickeln, (2.Auflage), Springer Verlag, 2010

Bachelor-Projekt Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Projekt, 9 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Das Projekt baut auf das Bachelorseminar auf. Es bereitet auf das Schreiben der Bachelorarbeit vor und ermöglicht es Teilnehmern eine komplexe Themenstellung der Mensch-Computer Interaktion praktisch zu lösen. Es gibt zwei mögliche Modelle:

  • Das designorientierte Projekt umfasst die Konzeption und Implementierung eines neuen Interaktionskonzeptes. Die Konzepte (z.B. Szenarien, Personas, Sketches, Story Boards) und technische Umsetzung (z.B. Implementierung, verwendete Algorithmen) werden im Projektbericht beschrieben.
  • Das evaluationsorientierte Projekt hat die Durchführung einer umfassenden Evaluationsstudie zum Gegenstand. Der Evaluationsgegenstand, das gewählte Evaluationssetting, die Durchführung inkl. der Pilotstudie sind dann Gegenstand des Berichtes.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen lernen unter Anleitung, ein anspruchsvolles Projekt zu organisieren (Aufteilung, Meilensteine, Besprechungen), durchzuführen (Implementation, Evaluation, Dokumentation) und zu kommunizieren (Präsentationen, wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit).

Master-Projekt Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Projekt, 9 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Das Projekt baut auf das Masterseminar auf. Es bereitet auf das Schreiben der Masterarbeit vor und erfordert es von den Teilnehmern eine komplexe Themenstellung der Mensch-Computer Interaktion praktisch zu lösen. Es gibt zwei mögliche Modelle:

  • Das designorientierte Projekt umfasst die Konzeption und Implementierung eines neuen Interaktionskonzeptes. Die Konzepte (z.B. Szenarien, Personas, Sketches, Story Boards) und technische Umsetzung (z.B. Implementierung, verwendete Algorithmen) werden im Projektbericht beschrieben.
  • Das evaluationsorientierte Projekt hat die Durchführung einer umfassenden Evaluationsstudie zum Gegenstand. Der Evaluationsgegenstand, das gewählte Evaluationssetting, die Durchführung inkl. der Pilotstudie sind dann Gegenstand des Berichtes.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen lernen unter Anleitung, ein anspruchsvolles Projekt zu organisieren (Aufteilung, Meilensteine, Besprechungen), durchzuführen (Implementation, Evaluation, Dokumentation) und zu kommunizieren (Präsentationen, wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeit).

Seminar zum Bachelor-Projekt Mensch-Computer-Interaktion

Projektseminar, 4 ECTS

Details in ZEUS

Am Anfang des Seminars werden Themen an die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen ausgegeben. Da das Seminar zur theoretischen Vorbereitung auf das Bachelor-Projekt dient, sind die Themen inhaltlich auf das Bachelor-Projekt abgestimmt. Das gewählte Thema wird im Rahmen des Seminars als wissenschaftlicher Vortrag vorbereitet und gehalten. Darüber hinaus wird eine schriftliche Ausarbeitung des Themas verlangt. Dazu erhalten die Studierenden Anleitung im wissenschaftlichen Schreiben. Außerdem stellen die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen die Zwischenstände ihrer Arbeit in den Präsenzstunden vor. Eine aktive Teilnahme an der Diskussion der vorgestellten Arbeiten wird erwartet.

Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen sind in der Lage selbstständig eine wissenschaftliche Literaturrecherche durchzuführen und die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wissenschaftlich zu dokumentieren. Das schließt die korrekte Zitierweise von wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten mit ein. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen üben das Halten von wissenschaftlichen Vorträgen und deren Diskussion. Dadurch werden die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen methodisch und inhaltlich auf das Bachelorprojekt und Ihre Bacherlorarbeit vorbereitet.